This flowchart will help you determine whether a minister should apply for a leave of absence from authorized ministry in the United Church of Christ
Should this minister request a leave of absence?
Is the minister currently serving in an authorized ministry?
This minister need NOT request a leave of absence. They are currently actively serving in ministry, and should meet with their COM periodically.
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Is the minister currently actively seeking a call to an authorized ministry?
| NO
Is this minister retired?
| NO
Is this minister planning to return to authorized ministry within the next 5 years?
| NO
This minister should speak to the COM about an administrative resignation or termination of standing.
This minister should check in with their COM for a time of vocational discernment and conversation, which may or may not lead to a leave of absence. This is not punitive, but an opportunity for conversation.
Has this minister been seeking a call for more than one year?
This minister need not request a leave of absence. This minister is retired.
This minister should apply for a leave of absence, renewable annually for up to 5 years.
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This minister need not request a leave of absence, but may want to check in with the COM about their search process, to seek guidance and for further discernment.
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