Help Decide on a Training Track
Men: over 20%?
Women: over 25%?
Go to Fat Loss Track
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Can you perform the following:
Deadlift 2x your bodyweight?
Bench 1.5x your bodyweight?
Perform 12+ pull-ups?
Deadlift 1.5x your bodyweight?
Bench your bodyweight?
Perform 6+ pullups?
| NO
Go to Strength Bias Track
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Do you have access to basic equipment:
-A barbell
-Weights (rubber bumpers are preferred but not necessary)
-Kettlebells and/or Dumbbells
-A squat rack
-A sturdy bench
| NO
Like the name implies, this is for those with little to no gear. People on TDY, who travel a lot, or who just have nothing to work with.
NOTE: you shouldn't use this option as an excuse not to get a gym- options with gear allow you to go farther with training.
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Choose a category that describes the demands of your career field, goal, or just your preferred workout:
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RUCK: Designed for SF, Ranger, Wildland Firefigthing, people training for GoRuck events, or those who enjoy/need a lot of hiking training (mountain sports, hunters, etc.)
SWIM: Designed for those training for BUD/S, INDOC, MARSOC selection, or anyone else that wants to incorporate swimming. Note: These workouts are frequently very high volume.
"FIGHT": Training for law enforcement, or those interested in MMA training.
Designed for Fire & Rescue personnel. Written to work with the 24/48 shift work typical of fire departments, and written to allow for workouts at stations that have little to no exercise equipment!
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