NonprofitAV Recruitment Process
A Flowchart by laurena
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Rocio will Create JR when: a) New program/position created OR b) replace staff due to Termination or Resignation
Rocio will forward JD to HM to approve and make changes. Once complete HM will send back to Rocio along with Ad Request sheet if necessary.
Rocio will ask Patti to send JR, JD and Ad request (if necessary) to HR to get approval/post position
Lauren will send qualified candidate resumes from JATS to Rocio. Rocio will forward on to HM and Patti
HM will do phone screen of qualified candidates (no Interview Rating Sheet needed for phone screen). HM will log notes in "Interviews" tab in JATS. Would HM like to proceed with Interview?


Interviewer(s) will submit Rating sheet(s) to Patti along with intention of proceeding. HM will log interview in "Interviews" tab in JATS. Would HM like to move forward with candidate?
Lauren will scan documents to HM, cc Patti, for review. Patti will: -call candidate to schedule Appt. for 1st interview -email interviewer(s) with date/time (cc Lauren) -create electronic Rating Sheet(s) for each interviewer(s) -create applicant folder.
Lauren contact candidate to set up Application/ Assessments ASAP.
HM will email Lauren, cc Patti, of interest in candidate.
HM will email Lauren, cc Patti, of no interest to proceed with candidate and WHY.



HM will notify Lisa of intent to proceed with candidate (2nd interview).
Patti will scan Rating Sheet(s) to Lauren
Lauren will review "Interviews" tab and choose "No Thank You" letter based on reason why not interested in candidate.
Lauren will send out "No Thank You" letter


HM will email Patti of availability for 2nd interview along with names of who will be interviewing.
Patti will: -call candidate to schedule Appt. for 2nd interview -email interviewer(s) with date/time (cc Lauren) -create electronic Rating Sheet(s) for each interviewer(s)
Interviewer(s) will submit Rating sheet(s) to Patti along with intention of proceeding. HM will log interview in "Interviews" tab in JATS. Would HM like to move forward with candidate?


HM will notify Lisa of intent to proceed with candidate (Reference Checks and Salary Worksheet). Is Lisa OK with proceeding?



HM will email Lauren, CC Patti, to complete reference checks.
Patti will scan Rating Sheet(s) to Lauren
Lauren will review "Interviews" tab and choose "No Thank You" letter based on reason why not interested in candidate.

After positive references, Lauren will inform Lisa, Rocio, HM and Patti. Lauren will prepare packet for Salary worksheet with Orientation date.
Salary sent to Lisa, HM, Rocio and HM offers position to candidate with orientation date.
Candidate accepts position and HM/Lisa sends Blue Personnel Change Form to HR for Orientation packet to go out ASAP before Orientation.