How-toNew Castle County Boards and Commissions Flowchart
A Flowchart by adefiore
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This flowchart will outline the Council appointment process to a County Board or Commission

Applicant submits resume to Councilmember or staff member
The resume is forwarded to the Council President's aide.
Resumes will be distributed to Councilmembers prior to a periodically scheduled Boards and Commissions Subcommittee Meeting
Resumes will be reviewed (and voted on?) at a Boards and Commissions Subcommittee Meeting
The Council President's aide will send a nomination letter to the nominee explaining how to fill out their Statement of Financial Interest

Council President's aide will alert the appropriate Department heads and B&C Staff members of the new appointment.
Once the resolution is approved, the President's aide will send a letter to the appointee congratulating them on their appointment
Council will vote on resolution at the following Council meeting (two weeks later)
Once the nominee has submitted the Statement of Financial Interest, they will be scheduled for an interview before the Executive Committee.