Directions: Follow this flowchart to determine which REDHOT concept you value the most.
When I am not having the best day, I shouldn't be expected to talk in class or participate.
When someone in class is answering a teacher's question that I know the answer to, it's ok for me to ignore them and work on something else because what they're saying isn't as important.
I think everyone is created equally and should be treated equally.
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I think everyone has a special talent, and they should take advantage of that talent to try to go farther in life than others.
My education ranks in the top 3 of the most important things in my life right now.
ENGAGED -- You always like to be doing something, even if it's watching T.V or playing football. When something does not apply to you, you'd prefer to spend your time elsewhere so it's not wasted. You always do your best work and hate getting bad grades, especially because of the effort you put in.
Wearing an ID should be optional even if the teachers and administration require it.
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Being trustworthy is one of the most important qualities I look for in friendships and relationships.
Using my cell phone and eating in class is not a big deal because at least I am there in the room.
RESPECTFUL -- You treat yourself well and take care of the way that you look. If someone talks badly about you, you prefer to confront them and solve the problem. You believe that authority is important because you need to have a leader.
Every decision I make should be planned out and all scenarios should be explored.
| NO
If my boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on me, I would break up with them because cheating is never excusable.
DEDICATED -- You won't let anyone stand in the way of you getting what you want. You believe everyone has the right to pursue what they want, but there are times when someone has to come out on top and be the winner. You are always the winner in those situations.
ORGANIZED -- When your friends plan to go out, you are the one that is in charge of getting everyone together. You like to know exactly what a teacher is requiring of you, otherwise you feel lost and annoyed. The good thing is you always know where everything is, the bad thing is you get stuck doing a lot of the group work yourself.
I do not like being late to class because it throws me off schedule.
THOUGHTFUL -- You believe that every decision you make should be logical and considered from many perspectives. Even when something seems completely obvious, you prefer to have some evidence just to be sure. You spend a lot of time thinking, especially about ways you can be better; however, you are often too critical of yourself.
HONORABLE -- Being trustworthy and a good friend is one of your most valuable traits. You do not tolerate anyone badmouthing your family, and anyone that you let into your life is of good moral character. You care about school, work, and life, but family always comes first.
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