Explain a concept
Provide professional development to all teachers in the area of the common core learning standards.
The leadership team will meet with teachers two to three times a week to provide help on instruction and provide valuable information to help design lessons aligned to the common core.
Observing teachers that allows for feedback on classroom instruction, an opportunity to highlight strengths, and an opportunity to observe new strategies learned.
The leadership team will observe each teacher once a week and provide feedback.
Use demographic data to help the leadership team understand the needs of the school.
1. The school schedule needs to be altered to provide time during the day for teachers to meet with the principal and academic directors.
2. Professional development opportunities need to be provided not only during the school day, but during teacher training in the summer and workshops during the year.
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1. A schedule needs to be created to ensure that each teacher is observed one day a week.
2. Feedback sessions need to be scheduled within twenty-four hours of an observation.
The leadership team will use demographic data to help determine how to use learning specialists and to determine the needs of professional development.
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1. Teachers who have had little to no experience should have professional development tailored to new teacher needs.
2. Teachers with more experience should be provided with professional development opportunities based on their deficiencies.
3. Learning specialists should be involved in helping teachers with lesson planning as 20% of the school population requires intervention.
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