Science & NatureAsking for an Interview
A Flowchart by Llama
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Explain possible situations and what to say when asking for an interview. I am asking a forensic entomologist for an interview.

Name: Phone #:
ENEX Cold Call Flow Chart Massimiliano Higashimatsushima Block D Nov. 7, 2013
Name: Phone #:
Answering Machine: (omit "How are you doing?" and say the rest of the speech)
Name: Phone #:

Wrong number: Oh. I'm terribly sorry for disturbing you. Enjoy the rest of your day!
"Thanks a lot! Could we possibly arrange a time for the interview right now? Or do you need to consult your calendar for the month of November first?
The Wanted Interviewee/Boss or a fellow colleague with the SAME profession: "Good afternoon Mr./Mrs./Dr./Professor __________. How are you doing today?" (pause) "I am a Gr. 9 student at Steveston-London Secondary School. As part of an enriched academic program, I am required to explore a passion or potential career choice of mine and interview an expert on that subject. Since you are very knowledgeable in the field of Medico-legal Entomology, my topic for this year, I am wondering if you would be willing to be interviewed by me sometime this month. It won't take much of your time, I promise."
Secretary/Boss, visitor, relative or Fellow colleague with a DIFFERENT profession: Hello! May I please speak to Mr./Mrs./Dr./Professor _______ about a personal matter? (Yes: Ok. Thanks a lot! Could you pass the phone/connect me with him/her?)
Interviewee: Ok, then. I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time! Bye! (hang up, don't continue to next box) Secretary: Ok, then. Is it fine if I call back tomorrow? Will he/she be available? (continue on to next box)






Ok. How about you call me back or eMail me after you figure out your schedule? My home phone # is 604-***-**** and my eMail is ********* Thanks again for letting me interview you! Have fun with the insects!
Ok. I know I am definitely not available on Nov. *,*, and* because I have _____________ on those days, but I am available any other time! I also prefer afterschool times or weekends, but on Nov. 28, our teacher has kindly provided us some time to interview from 11:30 am until the rest of the day.
(For answering machine: Please contact me at 604-***-**** if you are willing to be interviewed or can recommend another colleague of yours with the same profession. Thanks in advance!)
Oh. That's fine (or that's too bad if the person's schedule is busy). Could you perhaps recommend/connect me with a colleague of yours/his/her's that is also an expert in forensic entomology?
(Secretary and others): Ok. Thank you so much for your time! Enjoy the rest of your day! (Interviewee): Ok, thanks a lot! (start speech again once connected). OR Ok, thanks a lot! Could you give me his/her number?



Ok. That date and time sounds good for me! Is it most convenient for me to meet at your office, or shall we meet some place else, like a local coffee shop?
Are you sure? It'll only be a voice recording, not a video recording and I assure you that I will be the only one hearing the voice; I'm not going to publish it on Youtube or hand it in to my teacher!
That's fine. I'll look it up myself! Thanks a lot for your time! Have fun with the insects!
Thanks so much for your time! Have fun with the insects!



Sure. That sounds great! One last thing by the way: I am required t record this interview so I can create a word-for-word transcript of it later on. Is that alright with you?
Ok. Thanks so much for letting me interview you. I really appreciate this, and it means a lot to me, especially since this is my first time doing a cold call (whether or not this is the first time)! I guess I'll see you on ________ @ _______ then! Have fun with the insects!