EntertainmentGetting Up in the Morning
A SelectSmart.com Flowchart by Musicgirl
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How getting up in the morning usually is.

You took a shower last night.
You did not take a shower last night. Are you feeling motivated?
Do not take a shower or brush your hair or teeth. You are on time to work or school if it is not the weekend, but you are disgusting! If it is the weekend, watch some tv.


Feeling motivated?
Take a shower.



Brush your hair. And your teeth.
Don't brush your hair or teeth. You are on time to work or school if it is not the weekend, but you are disgusting! If it is the weekend, watch some tv.
Do you take a long time in there?



Do you have other people living in your house?
Take a nice long shower and feel refreshed. Is work or school a long way away? (If it's the weekend then go to no.)
YOU'RE LATE, but at least you look nice :).




Take a nice long shower and feel refreshed.
Be kicked out in the middle of your nice, peaceful shower.
Get there on time and have a nice day!

Get to work or school on time if it's not the weekend.