HGBC Contribution Processing using BVCMS
ST - Sort checks and cash by Campus and Batch type.
Cash/Coin and Checks are verified to the Envelopes.
ST - Scan batches by Campus and Batch type including Envelopes (cash).
ST - Create export file as normal for importing to V5 and create .csv file for importing to BVCMS.
ST - Create X9.37 Deposit file for each Campus and import into WF WFED as normal.
Checks Deposited directly to WF HGBC bank account.
Cash/Coin is then double counted and packaged for pickup.
Create a Deposit Ticket and Document as required.
Check Batches for single Purpose Codes can be imported electronically, verified, and posted.
BVCMS - Import batch .csv files to Contribution modules.
Check required: (date, routing#, account#, check#, $amount)
Check Batches for multiple Purpose Codes can be imported as single and then manually split to their respective codes per member's envelope instructions.
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Order bank deposit pick up as required.
Cash/Coin Deposited to WF HGBC bank account.
Checks must be archived until the HGBC retention period has expired and then can be destroyed.
Cash Envelopes will have to be manually entered at this point into the BVCMS members record.
Checks must be archived until the HGBC retention period has expired and then can be destroyed.
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Different Members same Bank Check accounts have to be Manually entered into the BVCMS members record.
HGBC tracks Main, North, and LA Budget Purpose Codes separately.
The rest of the Purpose Codes are combined from each Campus.
Envelopes must be archived until the HGBC retention period has expired and then can be destroyed.
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Non-Contributions are also processed through ST and Checks Deposited directly to WF HGBC bank account.
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