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FamilySafe Families Incoming Call Flowchart
By Andrea1954
Category: Family. Viewed 318 times. Created January 2015.     Disclaimer.   
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This flowchart will direct Safe Families Frontline Volunteers to the most appropriate incoming call steps based on the caller's specific situation and requirements.

An SFFC staff member will call you between 8-9 a.m. to verify you will be taking calls. If they do not call you by 9 a.m., please call them at 1-855/273-7233.
Preparing for incoming calls:
Change your voicemail message. Sample: "Hello. You have reached (your name), a volunteer with Safe Families for Children. Please leave your name and number, and I will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you!"
Ensure your home environment is conducive to the task at hand. Reduce all background noise when you take a call so that you can focus without distractions. Be prepared by having your notebook and/or computer ready to take information.

Are they calling seeking help?
Are they calling wanting to volunteer?



Thank them for calling, and let them know that eventually we will need to talk with the parent directly. In the meantime, ask them to describe the problem using the following criteria to confirm if the case is viable. If it is, ask them to have the parent call back; or see if you can call the parent to complete the intake questions.
Are they looking for help for someone else?
Are they a parent seeking help?
Write down their name, number, and where they are located; and let them know a staff member will be in contact with them. Then email that information to staff at


"Have you used Safe Families Before?"



"Do you need help due to behavior issues with a child?" NOTE: Safe Families is not set up to help children that have severe behavioral issues. On occasion, we have helped parents with young children that have mild autistic or behavioral issues, but we do not host older children with oppositional, defiant, destructive, or hard-to-manage behaviors; and there are limited homes for young children with behavior issues. Please contact staff before completing an intake if there are behavior issues with the children.
"Who did you work with before and how long ago?" "Have you had changes since the last time?" (Examples are a new birth, homelessness, CPS involvement, child behaviors, etc.)
"Are you fleeing domestic violence? Please understand that if the other parent calls wanting the children, and we cannot contact you, the children will have to be released to the other parent.:
"I would like to ask you some personal questions about you and your children so that we can help. Please know that I am a volunteer and that I will be emailing the information that you share with me to a Safe Families staff person after we are done talking. The questions will take about 40 mintues. I am not here to judge, and don't feel like you have to impress me or that we have to finish the questions right now. I just need to get a clear picture of our needs, because then Safe Family staff can determine if the ministry is a good fit for your family's needs. Can I ask you some questions now?"




Safe Families CANNOT help in these circumstances: • Children are already in Foster Care, • Custody is unclear, • CPS worker is planning on placing children in Foster Care, • Parent does not want to parent, • Time frame is longer than six (6) months, • Children’s behavior is the reason for the call, • We have very limited homes for teens, • Families who are homeless are best served first by shelters and area resources set up to help homelessness. We often offer secondary support for families who have entered shelters.
Even if they answer yes to this question, as long as the parent has been made aware of our responsibilities as outlined, and you are confident the case if viable, you can begin completion of intake forms. • Parent Intake first. • Child Intake (one for each child that will need hosting). • Protective Factors Survey may be required… staff will inform you if this is necessary. (Please let family know that, when their children return home, they will be asked to complete the same survey.) Email completed intake documents to Safe Families staff, and always call if you have any questions.
"Have you ever had CPS (Child Protective Services) involved with your family?
"Do you have full custody of your children?" (If the parents are fighting over custody or not in agreement over utilizing Safe Families, we cannot help.)
"Please feel free to call us again when you have the time and are prepared to answer the questions. Is there anything else I can help you with? Remember, I'm not a professional therapist, but If you just need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. Otherwise, I hope you find the help you need somewhere, even if not with us, okay?"





211 is a phone number families can call to get a list of services in the area. WHEN IN DOUBT: End the call and contact staff person.
"When was the last time you talked with your worker?" (If they have a current worker, take down the caller's name and phone number and the CPS caseworker's name and phone number. Let the parent know we will need to contact the worker first before moving forward. End the call here, and email the information to SFFC staff.
Begin completion of the intake forms. • Parent Intake first. • Child Intake (one for each child that will need hosting). • Protective Factors Survey may be required… staff will inform you if this is necessary. (Please let family know that, when their children return home, they will be asked to complete the same survey.) Email completed intake documents to Safe Families staff, and always call if you have any questions.
Compassionately end the call, perhaps using similar words as above.