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▷ ▶ Tracking free Advice flowcharts and decision trees.
By Keeley
Category: Advice. Viewed 630 times. Created October 2014.     Disclaimer.   
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This flow chart will explain how to make and log a tracking call and what you should do next dependent on the outcome.

Stage 1: Search for yourself as an assessor on maytas, click on diary overview on the left side and then today's appointments will appear. Call the client to offer IWS.
Stage 2: Did the client answer?
Update diary entry to state the reason for your call and put an outcome on the diary record ie no answer, answer machine message left. (Do not discuss IWS with a family member)
Send IWS letter to the client.
Schedule a new diary entry for another call the following day to the client and continue this on 3 occasions. All diary notes should be updated and these should be logged as separate calls. Then after 3 attempts schedule the next call for 1 week, 2 weeks or 3 weeks time in line with SRA and IWS. Did you get any answer? (If yes go back to stage 2)


Is the client still working?
Offer IWS and update maytas diary of the whole 2 way conversation. Rebook next appointment in line with SRA and IWS agreed. If client wants to change frequency of contact document this in the diary and also in the notes section on summary page and then ammend the SRA tab. Please ensure you put a date on the notes section from when the change took place. If the clients Job outcome / Sustinment is due follow below.
Email Bal and William with the reclaim dates so that they can book client into rapid response and allocate new appointment with advisor and also gain the end date of employment.
Call provider direct to confirm that the claim is still closed. Did the client make a re-claim to benefit?


Find out from the client the end date of their employment and update the summary screen of maytas on the employment record to state the end date. Does the client know the end date?
Complete the validation and for Job Outcomes fill in the Job outcome checklist then pass this to Bal / William for them to counter sign and contact CVT team at Intraining. (For sustainments Ian will enter the sustainment claim via poline) After Job Outcome has been claimed for the client Bal will then transfer to Ian for sustainment tracking and IWS
Allow 5 days to receive a response to email / fax. If no response call the employer directly.
Email, Fax, Call the employer to confirm the employment status and details ensure you enter this into the diary tab of maytas. Did the employer confirm details?



If the client has a new job then complete new job declaration and a WP07, this needs to be fully complete and email this to bal so that she can update the employment record and ensure all of your notes are recorded in the diary tab on maytas.
Call or email the employer to find out the date the employment finished. Then update the diary notes on maytas to state you called the employer and the conversation details. Is this now complete?
Skip to this stage
If no response from the call to the employer email Bal and William who will arrange a site visit to the employer.
Update diary with outcome of call, email etc then wait until the next tracking call to contact the client again and start the process again. (Do not contact the employer every month) if no contact continues with client seek advice form Bal / William.


Schedule your next IWS tracking review with the client in the maytas diary. Ensure this is in line with the IWS agreed and SRA on summary screen.
Enter the end date onto the employment record via the summary screen.Remove the Sustainability risk assessment (SRA) from the summary screen of maytas and change the stage of programme back to intensify.

Email Bal and William to inform them that the client is no longer working. Bal / William then need to book the client into Rapid Response session and allocate new advisor.