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kjsice's flowchart create and edit page

▷ ▶ Creating a Policy or Procedure In OSCAR free Computer flowcharts and decision trees.
ComputerCreating a Policy or Procedure In OSCAR
By kjsice
Category: Computer. Viewed 633 times. Created October 2014.     Disclaimer.   
    Make your own flowchart

This flowchart will guide you through the procedure upload and initial approval workflow process. It assumes you have already created a procedure using the template at and saved it to your desktop.

Go to "Creation" portal at https://creation/default.aspx then click "Policy Documents"
Upload your procedure by dragging the file under "Policy Documents".
Select the elipses for the item, choose EDIT, and then Edit Properties.
You will need identify the policy classification, type, document ID and write a high level summary. For document ID, put XXXX for now. When done, click the X in the upper right to close the file. Save and check in. Version comments are optional.
Select the document by indicating a check mark to the left, then, click Start Approval Process. You will need to click "Start Approval Process" confirmation box.

Drafter opens the document under My Pending Documents and makes corrections.
Add any comments you care to ad, then click APPROVE.
Click Open this task at the top of the screen.
PERSON ASSIGNED REVIEWING TASK clicks on Document and chooses Edit. Review. Does the document meet your approval?

Drafter corrects the document.
Click Open this Task. Reject to kick the document back to drafter who will review your edits.
Edit the document.
Turn on Track Changes if not already on. Note- to edit document, open it under "My Pending Documents"