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▷ ▶ Neonatal Inpatient Fall Prevention free Health flowcharts and decision trees.
HealthNeonatal Inpatient Fall Prevention
By yarrisa
Category: Health. Viewed 865 times. Created April 2014.     Disclaimer.   
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Decrease Neonatal Falls by Increasing Prevention Strategies
Upon admission to LDR education is verbally taught by RN and then read and signed by patient via Infant Safety Acknowledgement Statement sheet
While in active labor, patients must remain in bed to prevent the risk of falling and harming themselves or neonate
Once delivered and on the post partum unit, the RN does a teach-back of the safety form making sure the mom understands not to sleep with the infant
If she is receiving magnesium sulfate or high dosage narcotics, someone must stay in the room with her if she keeps the infant in the room with her

Staff (RN's & PCT's) are educated on reporting parents if they are caught in bed sleeping with neonates, importance of frequent rounding and documentation
If a patient has fallen asleep with the infant and it caused the neonate to fall a Pediatrician must be called from the NICU to evaluate infant
Equipment is checked to make sure it is properly working, beds are kept in correct position, call bells within reach and patient given instructions
A poster picture demonstrating correct infant placement is placed in each room

RN's are educated on placing an actual infant fall in risk master and filling out a Newborn Fall/Post-Event Debrief Form
If infant is ok, it can stay on the floor with the mother under close supervision. If there is a history of abuse, it is possible that CYS is called. If there is damage to the infant from the fall it is transported to the NICU or CHP.