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▷ ▶ How a bill becomes a law in Washington State free Government flowcharts and decision trees.
GovernmentHow a bill becomes a law in Washington State
By Annoyed
Category: Government. Viewed 1140 times. Created March 2014.     Disclaimer.   
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A flowchart detailing the process involved in a bill becoming a law in Washington State.

A legislator drafts a bill which they plan to propose to the state legislature.
The legislator presents the bill to either the senate or the house.
The bill is given a number and read aloud.
The bill then goes to a committee to be reviewed for approval.
If the bill is not approved, no further action is taken.


The bill then goes for a final vote in either the house or the senate. The vote of whichever legislative body it is sent to determines what happens next.
If the bill is passed, the rules committee reviews it once again.
Legislators debate the bill and then vote. Whether the legislators pass the bill or not determines what happens next.
If the committee sends the bill on, it goes to the rules committee and is placed on a calendar to be discussed on a certain day.
If the bill is approved, it moves on to a hearing. Any person can testify for or against the bill.




If the bill is not passed, no further action is taken.
If the bill is passed by one body, it is then sent to the other body to be subjected to the same process. The vote again determines what happens next.
If the bill is accepted by both legislative bodies, it is signed by their leaders and is sent to the governor.
If the bill is not passed, no further action is taken.
After the hearing, amendments can be made to the bill.

The bill becomes a law
The governor signs the bill.
The governor reviews the bill. The governor then makes a decision.
At this point, citizins can contact the governor to voice thier opinion on the bill.



The governor does nothing for ten days.
The governor vetos, or rejects, the bill or certain parts of it.
If nothing else is done, the bill does not become a law.

The legislature decides against the governor's deicision, and attempt to override the governor's veto.

The bill becomes a law.
The two-thirds majority vote in favor of the bill is achieved in both legislative bodies.
The legislative bodies take another vote on the bill. The fate of the bill is decided by whether or not a two-thirds majority is attained in favor of the bill in both bodies.
The two-thirds majority vote in favor of the bill is not achieved in both legislative bodies.
The bill does not become a law.