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▷ ▶ Mental Health Services for Children under seven free Advice flowcharts and decision trees.
AdviceMental Health Services for Children under seven
By Kath
Category: Advice. Viewed 356 times. Created December 2013.     Disclaimer.   
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This flow chart will help identify appropriate mental heath referral sources for children under seven.

Child presents with mental health concern- trauma related or general observations.
Consult with Making Connections worker or school counsellor.
Provide in school counselling services. -Group therapy -Individual counselling -Behaviour Modification Plan
Medical Referrals

Refer for further assessment through district psychologist resources.
Contact Social Services for family intervention
Refer to Community Agency for group or family therapy. -Lethbridge Family Service (pg. 5) -Canadian Mental Health (pg.4) -KCC Consulting (pg. 2) -Associates (pg.9)
Therapy recommendation. -Group -CBT -PyschoeducationalApproach -Play

Complete Assessment
Connect family with support services.