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▷ ▶ Making Halite: A Neutralization Reaction free Science & Nature flowcharts and decision trees.
Science & NatureMaking Halite: A Neutralization Reaction
By JulieM
Category: Science & Nature. Viewed 1091 times. Created December 2013.     Disclaimer.   
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Label 100 mL beaker "MIX"
Label 50 mL beaker "A" for Acids
Label another 50 mL beaker "B" for Base

Using 25 mL graduated cylinder Measure 20 mL HCI
Pour it into the "MIX" beaker
Rinse Cylinder with tap water
Rinse cylinder with 10 mL of distilled water

In the 10 mL graduated cylinder Measure an additional 5 mL HCI
Pour it in the "A" beaker
Rinse Cylinder with tap water
Rinse cylinder with 10 mL of distilled water

Add 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator to the acid in the MIX beaker
In the 25 mL graduated cylinder Measure 20 mL NaOH
Add it slowly to the MIX beaker
Use stirring rod to mix the two solutions

In the 10 mL graduated cylinder Measure and additional 5 mL NaOH
Pour it in the "B" beaker
Rinse Cylinder with tap water
Rinse cylinder with 10 mL of distilled water

Is the liquid in the MIX beaker PINK?
Use eyedropper to add sodium hydroxide from the "B" beaker 1 drop at a time to the acid in the MIX beaker. Stir after each drop
Continue adding drops until the color changes to pink and remains pink.


Use the second eyedropper to add hydrochloric acid from the "A" beaker one drop at a time to the MIX beaker until the pink just disappears after stirring.
Use first eyedropper to add sodium hydroxide from the "B" beaker 1 drop at a time to the acid in the MIX beaker. Stir after each drop until pink reappears
Repeat #8 and #9 to convince yourself that a tiny excess of acid or base will change the color
Rinse one eye dropper with tap water. Obtain a microscope slide. place 1 drop neutralized salt solution on slide.
Blow on slide until a white crust forms around the outside of puddle. Examine under the low power objective of a microscope. Look for small cubical crystals. NaCl (table salt)