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▷ ▶ FERPA forms free Education flowcharts and decision trees.
EducationFERPA forms
By ldeffend
Category: Education. Viewed 1191 times. Created November 2013.     Disclaimer.   
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This is a sample logic tree about families turning in forms.

Choices exclude student from the yearbook: Count: 30
Choices allow student to be in yearbook Count: 148

Yes to some 178

Yes to all Count: 36
Option 2 Count: 214
No to all Count: 76

Turned in a signed form but did not select Option 1 or Option 2 Count: 32
Turned in one form, or two forms with consistent choices Count: 327
Option 1 Count: 81
Yes to some Count: 5
Choices allow student to be in yearbook Count: 2

Forms turned in Count: 373
Both forms were Option 1, but they checked different boxes on each Count: 1
Choices exclude student from the yearbook: Count: 3


All students given forms to return Count: 1,993
Turned in two forms with different selections on each form Count: 46
Both forms were Option 2, but they checked different boxes on each 32


Forms not turned in Count: 1,620
One form said Option 1 and one form said Option 2 Count: 13