A student is having a problem that they do not think they can handle on their own. OR
A student has witnessed a problem with another student that they think is important enough to report.
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Student fills out a Help Request Form
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Program for Peace Staff member checks Help Request Box. Finds a completed form and attaches it to a Teacher Filter form.
Gives this to teacher of student.
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Teacher reviews the form and decides that she will be able to handle the problem with the student within next 24 hours. Returns filter form and incident form to PFP staff.
Teacher fills out non-bullying conflict documentation form. Teacher is responsible for any follow-up (parents or principal) needed.
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Teacher reviews the form and thinks that it will be beneficial for the Program for Peace to handle it. She returns the form to the Program for Peace staff member who started the form.
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Program for Peace staff member assigns the incident to either an adult PFP staff or to a Peace Leader.
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Peace Leader (student) selects another student to accompany. Asks teacher of student(s) involved when they can meet with a student. Meet individually with the reporter, the victim (if diff than reporter) and offender. They decide if it is verified as bullying or as peer conflict. Help students to think of other options to try in the future, or an action plan to "make things right" again. Fills out non-bullying conflict report if applicable.
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Adult PFP staff member meets individually with students to complete interview form. Talks with students about options to improve things in the future or to create an action plan. Makes determination if incident was bullying.
If not considered bullying:
Copy the non-bullying documentation form for the teacher and the parent.
Adult PFP staff member reviews the interview with the Peace Leaders. Adult staff follows up with teacher and with parent.
If considered bullying:
--always refer to Brock for discipline or action plan
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File completed interview and / or completed non-bullying conflict report and any written action plan in the "logging" notebook for PFP. On student log, mark date by the names of students involved along with role (offender, victim, bystander).
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