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EducationReferral Process
By hal0750
Category: Education. Viewed 972 times. Created October 2013.     Disclaimer.   
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This flowchart describes the referral process for special education elibibility and the timeline for each step.

Parent requests


Parent requests evaluation for their child.



If request is in the form of a written letter, the school must have Permission to Evaluate consent form ready immediately.
If it is an oral request, then school must supply Permission to Evaluate consent form within 10 days.

Within 60 days of parent signing PTE, School Psychologist evaluates child.
IEP must be created within 30 days after evaluation

IEP must be put into action within 10 days of being completed.
IEP must be reviewed at least once a year.

Children must be reevaluated every 3 years, or every 2 years if Intellectually Disabled.