Clarify steps to follow prior to requesting a meetin
Step 1
Teacher(s) identify a struggling student. Get a copy of the Early Intervention Checklist. Attempt as many interventions as applicable and brainstorm with Team about what seems to be working and what is not. Try to add any notes that may be helpful to the checklist.
Step 2
If no progress is made with student after 1-2 weeks, each content area teacher should obtain a copy of their own IST Reporting Form (so each Team will have 4 in total). The form is simple to fill out, but will give insight as to what “formal” interventions can be put in place.
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Step 4
If the Team sees no progress being made despite the interventions that have been attempted, a formal IST Request should be made and the form filled out by Guidance and content teachers. At this time, additional interventions may be recommended and student may be referred for a Special Ed. evaluation.
Step 3
A Pre-IST Intervention Plan will then be executed by the Team, Guidance and Reading/Interventionist. This plan will be formal and systematic, lasting at least 4 weeks. Dates should be kept and data collected.
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