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▷ ▶ Pigment absorption spectrum free Science & Nature flowcharts and decision trees.
Science & NaturePigment absorption spectrum
By asturgill
Category: Science & Nature. Viewed 2043 times. Created September 2013.     Disclaimer.   
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Pipet 4 ml of 80% acetone into a 13 X 100 mm test tube
add 4-5 drops of the pigment extract already prepared
Place rubber stopper on test tube and invert the tube. "Should have light green color"
Make the blank by putting 4 ml of 80% acetone in test tube
set spectrophotometer wavelength to 380 nm and zero it using blank.

plot absorbance vs. wavelength on Excel.
repeat at 10 nm intervals in peak absorbance regions.
Repeat procedure at 40nm intervals until you reach 740
Record absorbance of first tube made with extract and write it in notebook.