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▷ ▶ Child Find Referral Process in Special Education free Education flowcharts and decision trees.
EducationChild Find Referral Process in Special Education
By jjsitton
Category: Education. Viewed 2965 times. Created August 2013.     Disclaimer.   
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This chart is intended to help figure out what to do next when researching a concern you have for a child.

Staff member notices a learning, behavior, social, or medical concern.
Teacher(s) implements interventions and takes data. Goes to any special education room (including speech/psych to get a purple folder with data tracking forms and documentation) Can use various resources and any documentation forms Teacher has.
Determine if data shows progress.
Continue to implement interventions to continue student success.


Hold Student Success Team Meeting (SST) to make a plan for teacher interventions. Fill out SST form and use current data to determine interventions.
Hold another SST meeting at time determined at first meeting (2-8 weeks between meetings) to determine if data shows progress
Continue interventions, no further meetings are needed unless decided by team.


Continue interventions in regular ed setting, take data if necessary to show progress or lack of
At second SST meeting, teacher or parent can make a Referral for Special Education and get parent permission to test if Team decides
If no referral is needed, continue interventions or determine new interventions and meet again if needed.



Hold student IEP meeting with Special Education Team. Can be done at the same time as Eligibility Meeting. Student receives services as determined by IEP meeting.
SST Team and special education Team meet to determine if student is Eligible to receive special education services
Student is tested under the areas of concerned with school psychologist, special ed teacher, speech language therapist, OT