1. Star Wars Character Selector | Blizzard-1 | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
2. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic | nuttybea | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
3. What is your Star Wars Homeworld? | jinn | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
4. Attack of the Clones Character Quiz | Big Boysenberry | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
5. Who RU In Star Wars? | gtnish7 | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
6. Lesser-Known Pre-Empire Personality Quiz | Lesser-Known Pre-Empire Jedi Test | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
7. Are you Anakin Skywalker,Yoda, or C-3PO??? | Jasmine(Anakin-Loyalist) | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
8. Star Wars Character Selector | JediKnight03 | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
9. What star wars character are you most like? | anjyl | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
10. Which Star Wars Underworld charactor are u? | u-know-who | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
11. Do you believe in the Force? | Petri Tikka | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
12. Which character in the Star Wars saga are you? | Curt_Anderson | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
13. Star Wars Characters Quiz | Boss | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
14. Which SW1Legend Are You? | sw1peon | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
15. What Star Wars Character are you? | JJM | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
16. Yoda or Chewbacca | evil yoda | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
17. Which star wars episode 1 pod racer are you? | scott jessa | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
18. Which Star Wars sequel/prequel are you? | StarMeKitten | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
19. What Jedi Temple character are you? | JediTemple | Knowledge Quiz |  | 1 vote |
20. Star Wars Character Selector | Chris the Xenocide | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
21. Which Star Wars Character Are You? | King Jetter | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
22. Which Star Wars Droid Are You? | G1G4W4TT5 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
23. What Starfighter Would You Be? | Mike Laurenzi | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
24. Star Wars. Meet the Solo Family | Sirius Black | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
25. What Kind of Jedi Are You (MANY RESULTS) | starfleet150 | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
26. Which Main Theme From The Entire Star Wars Score Is Within YOU? | gtnish7 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
27. Which Star Wars Movie Is Your Favorite? | | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
28. Which Star Wars Movie Is Your Favorite? | BionicleFan1994 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
29. Which Star Wars Movie Is Your Favorite? (Revised) | BionicleFan1994 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
30. What Color Lightsaber Would You Weald? | gtnish7 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
31. What Star Wars Movie is your favorite? | BionicleFan1994 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
32. Star Wars Selector | The Unknown Person | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
33. Star Wars Episode 3 | Evan | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
34. Star Wars Jung Character Selector | samwisethestout | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
35. What Star Wars character are you most like? | Blazur | Yes/No Selector |  | 13 votes |
36. Which Star Wars Character Are YOU?!!! | YodaFreak | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 28 votes |
37. Which Star Wars hero are You? | Human Replica | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
38. Sith Lord Selector | Spalton | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
39. Star Wars Political Ideology | Spalton | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
40. Which jedi character are you? | Scott Jessa | Yes/No Selector |  | 47 votes |
41. What Star Wars Planet Would You Live On? | Master Windu | Yes/No Selector |  | 12 votes |
42. ¿Qué personaje de la saga de La Guerra de las Galaxias eres? | Helena | Yes/No Selector |  | 24 votes |
43. The Star Wars Expanded Universe Character Selector | Tahiri and Shada | Yes/No Selector |  | 7 votes |
44. Which Jedi or Sith are you | BrettVader22 | Yes/No Selector |  | 9 votes |
45. What is your Jedi lightsaber form | Adamantite | Yes/No Selector |  | 16 votes |
46. What would your rank be in the jedi order? | DS | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 7 votes |
47. Are you a Jedi or a Sith | Zack Hulse | Yes/No Selector |  | 62 votes |
48. Star Wars Jedi Fighting Style Selector | Ralrachaan | Yes/No Selector |  | 10 votes |
49. Star Wars Quiz O' Fun | George Harrison | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
50. Which Star Wars Character is your soulmate.... | Ariel Vallence | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
51. Who are you in Episode Two? | Ananananananakin | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
52. Which Star Wars Character Are You Most Like? | Aquails | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
53. What Star Ship Is Best For You | Peararth | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
54. What would your rank be in the sith order? | DS | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 1 vote |
55. What kind of Jedi are you? | jedimaster | Yes/No Selector |  | 55 votes |
56. Which Star Wars character would you date? | darth voldemort | Yes/No Selector |  | 15 votes |
57. What Star Wars Character are you? | kupo | Yes/No Selector |  | 11 votes |
58. Which KOTOR2 Prestige Class are you? | DarthTizzim | Yes/No Selector |  | 11 votes |
59. Star Wars character selector | Petri Tikka | Yes/No Selector |  | 16 votes |
60. Which Star Wars Character Are You? | Jedi Master Yoda | Yes/No Selector |  | 8 votes |
61. The Jedi Aptitude Test | neo | Yes/No Selector |  | 35 votes |
62. Which female jedi are you? | Avariel_girl | Yes/No Selector |  | 10 votes |
63. Star Wars species selector | Petri Tikka | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
64. Star Wars Peepz | Alex&Felka | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
65. Star Wars Characters | Andrew Fawbush | Yes/No Selector |  | 17 votes |
66. Star Wars Light Saber Color | Faiye Jhonson | Yes/No Selector |  | 12 votes |
67. Are you a Jedi Knight or Sith Lord? | Colt T. | Yes/No Selector |  | 8 votes |
68. Star Wars Light Side Or Dark Side | Goku779 | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
69. Star Wars... Find out who you are most like | Bekah | Yes/No Selector |  | 5 votes |
70. Which Rank From Star Wars: Battlefront Would You Be? | Cyanid | Yes/No Selector |  | 56 votes |
71. Star Wars Species | Rin Mitthrawn | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
72. Are you Jedi Material? | Master Lightfoot | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
73. Wich Star Wars Character Are You? | TIE Girl | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
74. Star Wars | Floofy-Wan Kenobi | Yes/No Selector |  | 2 votes |
75. Which Star Wars character are you? | MiraxHalcyon | Yes/No Selector |  | 4 votes |
76. What Star Wars:Episode One: The Phantom Menace Character Are You? | LuvEwan | Yes/No Selector |  | 8 votes |
77. Which Bounty Hunter are you? | Queen laura | Yes/No Selector |  | 6 votes |
78. Which Star Wars Character are you? | dragonlily | Yes/No Selector |  | 13 votes |
79. Which Fan Star Wars Character am I? | Mannoe Kenobi | Yes/No Selector |  | 7 votes |
80. Which Star Wars Character are you | Caleb Roy | Yes/No Selector |  | 8 votes |
81. How Hardcore a Star Wars Fan Are You? | HardcoreSWFan | Yes/No Selector |  | 7 votes |
82. What Kind Of sith would u be | CLANJSA | Multi-Choice Selector |  | 6 votes |
83. The Star Wars Personality Test | Angel Grrl | Yes/No Selector |  | 3 votes |
84. star wars characters | Master Mace Windew77781292777 | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
85. What Star Wars Species Are You? | Trianiigirl | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |
86. How well do you know the REAL Star Wars story? | Princess Laina | Yes/No Selector |  | 1 vote |