Top Rated Martial Arts Selectors, Quizzes & Flowcharts
Martial Arts
Title  Author  Type Rating  Votes 
1. Which martial art is right for you?Ixidor, The SKISHY Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 41 vote
2. Are you a ninja or a samurai?thepyromanc3r Yes/No Selector  Actual Score: 51 vote
3. Who Is Most Relatable In The Karate Kid Franchise?gtnish7 Yes/No Selector  Actual Score: 51 vote
4. Which Old School Martial Art Star are You Most Like?gtnish7 Yes/No Selector  Actual Score: 51 vote
5. What belt are you???Rosie Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 32 votes
6. What Martial Art Attire is Most Comfortable to U?🥋gtnish7 Yes/No Selector  Actual Score: 52 votes
7. Witch DBZ character are you?Dylan Friars Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 32 votes
8. are you a ninja?the noize in your head Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 12 votes
9. Are You Miyagi-Do or Cobra Kai?gtnish7 Yes/No Selector  Actual Score: 53 votes
10. What is your martial art?Enishi Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 2.54 votes
11. YouDo Not Choose The Weapon; The Weapon Chooses You.Overdrive Guardian Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 2.85 votes
12. MMA Fighter Selectorjimmy_punk21 Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 2.66666666666666656 votes
13. Type of Martial Arts You LikeTom Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 26 votes
14. What element are youLushinhan Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 3.33333333333333356 votes
15. Kung Fu Master SelectorJustin Quesenberry Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 4.1428571428571437 votes
16. Are you a SaiyanAikan Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 4.58 votes
17. Are you a natural martial artist?lionheart Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 48 votes
18. Which Sword Are You?DelCW Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 2.210 votes
19. Internal or ExternalHitokiri Battousai Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 3.910 votes
20. What UFC fighter are you?Ben H Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 3.571428571428571621 votes
21. Which Style of Martial Arts Fit's You?John Abbott Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 2.724137931034482729 votes
22. Which Martial Arts suits you?HP Joe Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 434 votes
23. Martial arts beginner's selectorSick Steve Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 3.645 votes
24. How Kinky are You?SexyKinkyBabe Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 3.76595744680851147 votes
25. What Type of Martial Artist Are You?Shaolin Magi Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 3.576271186440677859 votes
26. What Ninja Clan best suits you as a warrior?J. Way Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 4.351351351351352148 votes
27. Are you a SaiyanConquatura Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 4.746397694524496347 votes
28. Which martial art is right for you?Wolfman Yes/No Selector Actual Score: 4.1426008968609861115 votes

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