Title | Author | Type | Rating | Votes |
1. 12 personality types | TMC | Yes/No Selector | 117 votes | |
2. Are you a demon or a angel? | Sesshoumaru | Yes/No Selector | 128 votes | |
3. Astrology Match | Pie | Yes/No Selector | 8 votes | |
4. Astrology Selector | Kari and Sora | Yes/No Selector | 9 votes | |
5. Elemental Spirit Personality Selector | Akasha | Yes/No Selector | 22 votes | |
6. Find your soulmate written in the stars . . . | Meg | Yes/No Selector | 304 votes | |
7. Find your soulmate written in the stars . . . | xXxMiarakaxXx | Yes/No Selector | 1 vote | |
8. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Ice, Cloud, Lightning, Lava, Shadow, Light | Shadow | Yes/No Selector | 74 votes | |
9. Girls who are crazy for guys | Katie Chic | Yes/No Selector | 3 votes | |
10. Horoscope Selector | Moon Beam | Yes/No Selector | 5 votes | |
11. Star Signs | Anna May | Yes/No Selector | 1 vote | |
12. What Element are you Attuned To? | Ravenwolf Burke | Yes/No Selector | 22 votes | |
13. what indie star are you? | karol | Yes/No Selector | 4 votes | |
14. What is your astrological element? | Nick | Knowledge Quiz | 2 votes | |
15. What is your element of choice | Firerose | Yes/No Selector | 2 votes | |
16. What is Your Planet | Kaydee | Yes/No Selector | 11 votes | |
17. What is your Spirt? | XPandoraX | Yes/No Selector | 3 votes | |
18. What Planet Are You (Revised) | gtnish7 | Yes/No Selector | 1 vote | |
19. What Planet are you? | Akasha | Yes/No Selector | 5 votes | |
20. What Plant Are You | artica | Yes/No Selector | 14 votes | |
21. What sign are you most compatible with? | ice | Yes/No Selector | 361 votes | |
22. What type of person are you???? | Loritharei | Yes/No Selector | 431 votes | |
23. What's Your Lolita Complex? | white.grey.black | Yes/No Selector | 26 votes | |
24. What's your Sign? | Desilu | Yes/No Selector | 14 votes | |
25. Which astral element are you? | Vash the Holy Gunman | Yes/No Selector | 16 votes | |
26. Which Chinese Zodiac are You | Philip Allen Champagne | Yes/No Selector | 19 votes | |
27. Which Chinese Zodiac Are You Really? | gtnish7 | Yes/No Selector | 2 votes | |
28. Which Constellation are You? | Queen of the World | Yes/No Selector | 22 votes | |
29. Which Element Are You? | Angela | Yes/No Selector | 142 votes | |
30. Which of the Four Asian Mythic Beasts applies to you? | HappyOracle | Yes/No Selector | 5 votes | |
31. Which Planet are you? | serenitynendymion | Yes/No Selector | 11 votes | |
32. Which sign do you act like? | David aka nanikore aka Cefiro | Yes/No Selector | 49 votes | |
33. Which tarot suit represents you? | Arachne Weaver | Yes/No Selector | 7 votes | |
34. Which zodiac sign are you most like? | Elf Asato | Yes/No Selector | 425 votes | |
35. Which Zodiac Sign do you act like? | Keebeck | Yes/No Selector | 100 votes | |
36. Which Zodiac Sign do You Most Resemble? | Kristin | Yes/No Selector | 141 votes | |
37. Your Ideal Lover | Annie | Yes/No Selector | 1367 votes | |
38. Your Ideal Lover | Ilya Gerner | Yes/No Selector | 1 vote | |
39. Your personality~A Witches' Match!!~Which HP which are YOU like? | Witch Weekly Chief | Yes/No Selector | 4 votes | |
40. Your Sun Sign Personality Selector | Skitz | Yes/No Selector | 61 votes |