Newest Punk Titles
Title Author Type Created *
1. What genre is your favouriteMattoYes-No11/30/2016
2. are you punk?Lovedog688Yes-No12/27/2015
3. do you think your punk ?Yes-No12/17/2008
4. are you a punk or prepUNKYes-No8/15/2008
5. ultimate punk selectorUNKYes-No8/11/2008
6. Are you hardcoreUNKYes-No8/7/2008
7. How U Spend Weekends...UNKYes-No7/18/2008
8. what type of punk are you?UNKYes-No7/12/2008
9. Punk TypeUNKYes-No7/10/2008
10. What kinda rocker are you?UNKYes-No5/28/2008
11. What type of band would you be in in the FutureUNKYes-No5/18/2008
12. What Kind Of Gothpunk Are You?What Kind Of Gothpunk Are YouYes-No5/2/2008
13. What Kind Of Ska Would You Like?What Kind Of Ska Would You LikeYes-No5/1/2008
14. Are you a 4 HB pencil?funnyYes-No4/30/2008
15. which mcr band member are u most like?UNKYes-No4/19/2008
16. What Kind Of Goth / Punk Are You?What Kind Of Goth / Punk Are You?Yes-No4/11/2008
17. Ultimate Punk Genre SelectorUltimate Punk Genre SelectorYes-No3/17/2008
18. How Jittle are you?UNKYes-No3/16/2008
19. are you cool?UNKYes-No3/10/2008
20. What kind of punk are you?UNKYes-No2/24/2008
21. What Kind of punk are you?UNKYes-No2/23/2008
22. r u conformistconformistYes-No2/9/2008
23. Do you know true punk?UNKYes-No2/4/2008
24. what REAL kind of punk are you. not fake, stupid kindUNKYes-No1/8/2008
25. how big a poser are youUNKYes-No1/2/2008
26. Are You A Punk RockerUNKYes-No12/27/2007
27. punk.. or prep!!UNKYes-No12/22/2007
28. What kind of Punk are YOU?UNKYes-No12/16/2007
29. What Kind of Rocker Are You? Hmm?UNKYes-No12/2/2007
30. punk enough??UNKYes-No11/22/2007
31. Would me and you get along????UNKYes-No11/5/2007
32. Are you a punk or a prep?UNKYes-No10/29/2007
33. Do you even care/ punk or poser.UNKYes-No10/27/2007
34. MTPUNKYes-No10/20/2007
35. what is your elementUNKYes-No10/16/2007
36. Are you punk?UNKYes-No9/19/2007
37. How well do you know the distillersUNKYes-No9/7/2007
38. Which simple plan member are you most like? (improved)UNKYes-No9/4/2007
39. is punk deadUNKYes-No8/29/2007
41. Are you a punk RaWkEr Or A ToTaL PoSeR?UNKYes-No8/17/2007
42. Are you goth or not?UNKYes-No8/13/2007
43. are you punk,indie or a complete idiotUNKYes-No8/13/2007
44. Are you REALLY a Punk?UNKYes-No8/11/2007
45. What kind of punk r uUNKYes-No8/5/2007
46. Which member of simple plan r u most like?simple planYes-No8/1/2007
47. Are you what you labeled goth?UNKYes-No7/27/2007
48. Are you a poser?UNKYes-No6/26/2007
49. think your punk, maybe anarchist... or could be goth, we'll see about that!UNKYes-No6/16/2007
50. Wat Punk Rock Band would u like?UNKYes-No6/15/2007
51. un-ordinary punk-or-not selectorUNKYes-No6/11/2007
52. Are u even Punk?UNKYes-No5/11/2007
53. How well do you know AFI? UNKYes-No5/4/2007
54. How well do u know afi?UNKYes-No5/3/2007
55. Punk or PruneUNKYes-No4/29/2007
56. Which Fall Out Boy Song Are You?UNKYes-No4/17/2007
57. Are you a punk rawker?UNKYes-No3/29/2007
58. Punk or someting elseUNKYes-No3/25/2007
59. How Anti-Prep are you?UNKYes-No3/24/2007
60. Are you goth/punk?UNKYes-No3/21/2007
61. Are you really punk??UNKYes-No3/15/2007
62. Are you Goth or just a poser?UNKYes-No3/2/2007
63. What goth guy are you?UNKYes-No3/1/2007
64. 1-What kind of punk are you? Made for s!UNKYes-No2/21/2007
65. Are you Prep or Punk?UNKYes-No2/18/2007
66. how an awfull punk are you.UNKYes-No2/12/2007
67. goth, punk or prep (for guys)UNKYes-No1/18/2007
68. My Weird, Pathetic, Little World..UNKYes-No1/4/2007
69. Are you more Punk or GothUNKYes-No12/16/2006
70. what are you?UNKYes-No12/5/2006
71. Old shcool punk band selectorold school punk rock dead kennedysYes-No11/24/2006
72. death 2 all prepsUNKYes-No11/17/2006
73. What Punk Song Are You?UNKYes-No11/15/2006
74. waht punk band are you?UNKYes-No11/15/2006
75. Which Vampire are you?UNKYes-No11/3/2006
76. punk, prep, poser, or gothUNKYes-No10/27/2006
77. Are you a straight-edge punk?UNKYes-No10/27/2006
78. Punk or PoserUNKYes-No10/14/2006
79. Which Kent punk are you?punk, kentYes-No9/28/2006
80. r u a punk (hey jacob its ben)UNKYes-No8/27/2006
81. Do you know what goth is?UNKYes-No8/27/2006
82. what are you?UNKYes-No8/6/2006
83. a real test of your punknessUNKYes-No8/5/2006
84. Are You screw society media materialUNKYes-No6/26/2006
85. PUNK?UNKYes-No6/6/2006
86. What are you most like?UNKYes-No5/23/2006
87. Braindead or RevolutionaryUNKYes-No5/22/2006
88. *Which Punk Rawk Band R U?*UNKYes-No5/13/2006
89. freaksUNKYes-No4/28/2006
90. r u punk???UNKYes-No4/19/2006
91. Which Misfit Are You?CyanidMulti-Choice9/25/2005
92. Real punkSam NolanMulti-Choice4/25/2005
93. which punk band are youshibbieMulti-Choice4/18/2005
94. Are you actually real goth?UNKYes-No12/21/2004
95. Are You a Punk or a PrepUNKYes-No9/22/2004
96. What Type O Negative Song are You?Gothic, Type O Negative, MusicYes-No11/25/2003
97. What kind of punk are you?UNKYes-No11/3/2003
98. Rock ArtistsUNKYes-No10/9/2002
99. what kinda punk are you?UNKYes-No3/20/2002
100. SC PunkUNKYes-No7/24/2001
101. Punk? Skin? What type?UNKYes-No1/18/2001
102. Punk Band SelectorUNKYes-No12/20/2000
103. Punk Rock Band SelectorUNKYes-No11/29/2000
104. What type of piercing should I get ?UNKYes-No4/22/2000
105. Punk band selectorUNKYes-No2/19/2000
106. Punk rock band selectorDominic DiCeccoYes-No2/18/2000
107. Body Art SelectorEricaYes-No2/15/2000

*Dev display only, for sort check.