Newest Harry Potter Titles
Harry Potter
Title Author Type Created *
1. Which Disney Princess would Sweet Talk or Even Pay the Sorting Hat to Have You in the Same House?gtnish7Yes-No4/28/2021
2. Who is your Harry Potter Sugar Daddy?Lupin.wifeYes-No1/20/2021
3. which slytherin are you most compatible with?mrs riddleYes-No1/8/2021
4. Which Hogwarts House Do You TRULY Belong in?gtnish7Yes-No10/4/2020
5. What Harry Potter book is your favorite?TheMusicdewd22Yes-No9/22/2017
6. Which Harry Potter Person Are You?VihaanYes-No5/12/2017
7. Your Harry Potter best friend is...HuntersingleshotMulti-Choice11/22/2016
8. Which Hogwarts house would you be in?DSMulti-Choice9/23/2016
9. What Oceanory house do you belong in? Abigailsaa32Multi-Choice8/29/2016
10. Which Harry Potter Character are you?ZabobbbbbYes-No12/11/2015
11. what harrypotter character are youReese123Yes-No7/1/2015
12. What is Your Animagi AnimalReichenAngelYes-No4/15/2015
13. Which Character are you most like in Albus Potter?hufflepufftwatMulti-Choice2/28/2015
14. Who do you look like in Harry Potter?Ginny♥Multi-Choice1/11/2015
15. Which Harry Potter character are you?AlexelborneMulti-Choice12/13/2014
16. Harry Potter Character SelectorbellahdollMulti-Choice10/28/2014
17. Find your Hogwarts personaMo22Multi-Choice2/20/2014
18. TheSortingHatNora GMulti-Choice2/9/2014
19. The Sorting Hat 2Nora GMulti-Choice2/9/2014
20. Which Harry Potter Character are you like? With new characters.PvppersYes-No1/2/2014
21. Which Harry Potter Character are you like? (Revised)PvppersYes-No1/2/2014
22. Harry Potter: Which object would be best for you?PvppersYes-No1/1/2014
23. HO GovernorsstraversFlowchart12/27/2013
24. What kind of animal are you (like the best ever!!) mythologyismythFlowchart12/8/2013
25. The Ultimate Harry Potter quiz.plumpickle321Multi-Choice12/8/2013
26. healthstormyFlowchart12/4/2013
27. Which character are you?tora111Yes-No11/17/2013
28. Which Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher are YOU? (Revised)fluffy123Yes-No9/26/2013
29. What is your life like in HogwartsAikoMulti-Choice8/26/2013
30. Which Harry Potter Character are you most like?BlockedRobot508Yes-No8/1/2013
31. what house should you be inhiYes-No6/1/2013
32. Harry Potter Character Quiz (Revised)dragonYes-No4/27/2013
33. Animagus timeVampiricMulti-Choice2/23/2013
34. Animagus TimeVampiricYes-No2/23/2013
35. The Sorting HatNoraMulti-Choice2/13/2013
36. Sorting HatLily PotterMulti-Choice11/4/2012
37. Harry Potter Sorting hatYes-No10/16/2012
38. What Harry Potter dragon do you fight in the Tri-Wizard Tornament?Yes-No8/21/2012
39. Which Potter girl is right for you?Yes-No8/20/2012
40. Who Are You In Hogwarts?Yes-No8/16/2012
41. What is your patronus?Yes-No8/16/2012
42. Which Animagus form is yours?Yes-No7/28/2012
43. Harry Potter Personality TestYes-No7/23/2012
44. Who are you? Harry or VoldemortYes-No7/8/2012
45. Hogwarts Housesleigh07Multi-Choice2/12/2012
46. Which Professor are youYes-No12/8/2011
47. Who should you go out with ( your hogwarts soulmate ) Yes-No10/16/2011
48. Your Harry Potter boyfriend and what the other characters think about youUNKYes-No10/14/2011
49. Harry Potter CandyUNKYes-No10/1/2011
50. Who is your boyfriend at Hogwarts?fortget_me_notMulti-Choice9/30/2011
51. Sorting HatYes-No9/16/2011
52. Your Harry Potter Match!Yes-No8/1/2011
53. what character could be are you? who do u like?UNKYes-No8/1/2011
54. Your Harry potter world quizUNKYes-No7/27/2011
55. Which random Harry Potter character are you?UNKYes-No7/27/2011
56. Magical JobYes-No6/3/2011
57. Are you obsessed with Harry Potter?Yes-No5/28/2011
58. Who is your Harry Potter Alter Ego?UNKYes-No1/2/2011
59. What family do you belong to?UNKYes-No12/3/2010
60. Which Harry Potter Character are You? (Student edition)Yes-No11/4/2010
61. Harry Potter peopleUNKYes-No5/27/2010
62. the real you of Harry Potter (teacher edition) Yes-No5/25/2010
63. the real you of Harry Potter (student edition) UNKYes-No5/24/2010
64. Which HP Owl are YOU?Mrs Fred WeasleyMulti-Choice4/3/2010
65. Which Harry Potter Character are you?Yes-No8/22/2009
66. What would Harry Potter Say the First Time He Meets You ?Yes-No8/12/2009
67. Which Ghost Are You?Yes-No8/7/2009
68. Which Harry potter character are you most like?UNKYes-No3/15/2009
69. Which Harry Potter character are you?UNKYes-No3/15/2009
70. 2009 which potter character are youUNKYes-No1/3/2009
71. Sorting HatUNKYes-No9/24/2008
73. Which Hogwarts House do you belong in?UNKYes-No9/8/2008
74. Ivy's WandsUNKYes-No8/31/2008
75. Which Harry Potter Character Are YouUNKYes-No8/24/2008
76. Which is Your Best Hogwarts SubjectUNKYes-No8/24/2008
77. Which Order Member Are You UNKYes-No8/24/2008
78. Kt�rym Huncwotem jeste�?UNKYes-No8/22/2008
79. 풡e qu� casa soy?UNKYes-No8/15/2008
80. The Sorting HatUNKYes-No8/5/2008
81. The Wand Chooses the WizardUNKYes-No7/28/2008
82. a really deep test - what harry potter character are you?UNKYes-No7/25/2008
83. Quidditch PositionUNKYes-No7/19/2008
84. Which 'The Truth' Character Are You?UNKYes-No7/19/2008
85. Who's your soulmate?UNKYes-No7/17/2008
86. The Sorting HatUNKYes-No7/11/2008
87. What would your fate in the Wizardry World be?fate wizard witch magic harry potter hogwarts sorceryYes-No7/9/2008
88. What Deatheater are YOU most like?UNKYes-No7/6/2008
89. TriWizard Champion SelectorUNKYes-No7/1/2008
90. What Harry Potter Character Are You?harry potter characterYes-No6/30/2008
91. TriWizard Tournament School SelectorUNKYes-No6/29/2008
92. Bij welke afdeling hoor jij?UNKYes-No6/15/2008
93. The Sorting HatUNKYes-No6/8/2008
94. What Harry Potter class are YOU going to succeed in?UNKYes-No6/7/2008
95. Which Marauder are you?UNKYes-No6/7/2008
96. saderUNKYes-No6/6/2008
97. The Harry Potter Sorting HatUNKYes-No6/3/2008
98. Harry Potter-Which Character are You?Harry Potter CharacterYes-No6/1/2008
99. Which Triwizard Competitor Are YOU Most Like?UNKYes-No5/29/2008
100. Which Wizarding Idol Contestant Are YOU Most Like?UNKYes-No5/29/2008
101. Which Harry Potter character are YOU most like?UNKYes-No5/28/2008
102. Harry Potter House SelectionUNKYes-No5/17/2008
103. What Character from Third Year or Fourth Year are You?UNKYes-No5/15/2008
104. Harry Potter Character Personality QuizUNKYes-No5/14/2008
105. That HP character are you?UNKYes-No5/13/2008
106. Which Harry Potter Character Are YOU Most Like?UNKYes-No5/9/2008
107. Do you have it in you to face Voldemort?UNKYes-No5/8/2008
108. Harry PotterUNKYes-No4/23/2008
109. The Sorting HatUNKYes-No4/19/2008
110. What Hogwarts Student Would You Most Likely Go Out With?UNKYes-No4/18/2008
111. Who are you in Harry Potter?UNKYes-No4/18/2008
112. The Sorting Hat TestUNKYes-No4/15/2008
113. Are you a Werewolf, Vampire or Human?UNKYes-No4/12/2008
114. Which Harry Potter Character Are You? (With Half-Blood Prince Characters)harry potterYes-No4/11/2008
115. Which Harry Potter Character Are You Like?UNKYes-No4/2/2008
116. Which member of the Order of the Phoenix are you?UNKYes-No3/19/2008
117. I ♥ DracoUNKYes-No3/18/2008
118. The Sorting Hatmadlyme17Multi-Choice3/10/2008
119. Do you love Harry Potter?UNKYes-No3/2/2008
120. Quidditich Positions- Find the one that is right for youUNKYes-No2/28/2008
121. Which Harry Potter character are you most like?UNKYes-No2/22/2008
122. SortareUNKYes-No2/13/2008
123. Wich Weasley Character are you???UNKYes-No1/23/2008
124. What's your Bogart?UNKYes-No1/19/2008
125. Harry Potter Teacher SelectorUNKYes-No1/9/2008
126. Gryffindor Character Selectorgryffindor harry potter hermione ron weasley granger house slytherin ravenclaw jk rowling Yes-No1/5/2008
127. Slytherin Character Selectorslytherin, harry potter, severus snape, lucius malfoy, draco malfoy tom riddle voldemort potter chamber of secrets vicious dreamsYes-No1/5/2008
128. Harry potter character selectorUNKYes-No1/4/2008
129. Harry Potter Character Selectorharry potter, charactersYes-No1/4/2008
130. Harry potter UNKYes-No1/3/2008
131. what house are you in?UNKYes-No1/2/2008
132. What Character Are You??UNKYes-No12/30/2007
133. Which two kink couple are you?UNKYes-No12/24/2007
134. Harry Potter Sorting hatUNKYes-No12/22/2007
136. Wands 4 YouUNKYes-No12/11/2007
137. Your wand? or Their Wand?UNKYes-No12/11/2007
138. Dark Creature SelectorUNKYes-No12/9/2007
139. What Harry Potter Couple are you?UNKYes-No12/9/2007
140. Which Harry Potter character has the same toothbrush color as you?UNKYes-No12/2/2007
141. What Harry Potter Character Are You Most Like?UNKYes-No11/26/2007
142. What Character Are You Most Like?UNKYes-No11/26/2007
143. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find themUNKYes-No11/24/2007
144. Animagus selector 1UNKYes-No11/18/2007
145. Which Marauder Are You?UNKYes-No11/14/2007
146. What wizard or witch are you?UNKYes-No11/14/2007
147. What Creature Are You?UNKYes-No11/7/2007
148. Do you belong in Harry Potter or Charmed?UNKYes-No11/5/2007
149. Which magical creature are you?UNKYes-No11/1/2007
150. Which Harry Potter Family Do You Belong In?UNKYes-No10/28/2007
151. What is your patronus?UNKYes-No10/27/2007
152. Which Harry Potter Guy is Right For You?UNKYes-No10/26/2007
153. Which Harry Potter Character Are You Most Like?UNKYes-No10/26/2007
154. Which Harry Potter Character Are You Most Like?UNKYes-No10/26/2007
155. Which patronus are you?Includes most of patronuses (patroni?) mentioned in the Harry Potter series.Yes-No10/26/2007
156. Which Harry Potter Charictor Are You Most Compatible With?UNKYes-No10/26/2007
157. Which Harry Potter child are you?UNKYes-No10/25/2007
158. What Harry Potter Character are you Best Compatible With? UNKYes-No10/25/2007
159. People with Potterish names.SchmergoMulti-Choice10/21/2007
160. MoSt AcCuRaTe SoRtInG qUiZ on tHe WeBUNKYes-No10/21/2007
161. What Harry Potter Character are You?UNKYes-No10/21/2007
162. Hogwarts Sorting Hat UNKYes-No10/13/2007
163. What House Are You In?UNKYes-No10/10/2007
164. Which wand works for you?UNKYes-No10/10/2007
165. Harry Potter Kid QuizUNKYes-No10/9/2007
166. Sorting Hat SelectorUNKYes-No10/8/2007
167. Which Marauder are you?UNKYes-No10/4/2007
168. Which Hogwarts Student Are You?UNKYes-No10/3/2007
169. what hogwarts student are you?UNKYes-No10/2/2007
170. CharacterUNKYes-No9/26/2007
171. What Hogwarts Professor are you compatible withUNKYes-No9/24/2007
172. HPDB Sorting Hat RitualUNKYes-No9/21/2007
173. Which character from Godcake's Harry Potter RP do you date?UNKYes-No9/20/2007
174. Which HP Slash Pairing do you Ship For?UNKYes-No9/18/2007
175. what house do you belong in? UNKYes-No9/16/2007
176. Who's Your Hogwarts Man?!UNKYes-No9/16/2007
177. Who is your perfect Harry Potter match? (male)UNKYes-No9/15/2007
178. Sorting HatSorting, Harry, Hat,Yes-No9/14/2007
179. Who is your HP male soulmate?UNKYes-No9/11/2007
180. Sorting Hat QuizUNKYes-No9/11/2007
181. Which Harry Potter female character is your soulmate?UNKYes-No9/7/2007
182. Which Harry Potter Character Are You?UNKYes-No9/6/2007
183. Are you like Harry Potter?UNKYes-No9/2/2007
184. Marauder Time!UNKYes-No9/2/2007
185. Sorting hatUNKYes-No9/1/2007
186. SORTING HATUNKYes-No9/1/2007
187. SORTING HATUNKYes-No8/31/2007
188. What HP movie are you most like?UNKYes-No8/28/2007
189. Which Harry Potter Character should be your boyfriend?UNKYes-No8/26/2007
190. Harry Potter Character SelectorUNKYes-No8/26/2007
191. Which Harry Potter Character Are You?phoenix02Multi-Choice8/19/2007
192. Which Hogwarts House?UNKYes-No8/16/2007
193. Which HP Character Are You Most Like?UNKYes-No8/14/2007
194. Which character of the Harry Potter Trio are you?UNKYes-No8/11/2007
195. The Wise Sorting HatUNKYes-No8/11/2007
196. The Sorting Hatsorting hat harry potter hogwartsYes-No8/9/2007
197. Which prankster are you (including the marauders!)UNKYes-No8/3/2007
198. Harry Potter Character SelectorUNKYes-No8/1/2007
199. Are you a powerful or weak witch or wizard.UNKYes-No7/31/2007
200. Hogwarts :: A Virtual Adventure Sorting PageUNKYes-No7/24/2007
201. Hogwarts Best BuddyUNKYes-No7/18/2007
202. Harry Potter Sorting HatUNKYes-No7/18/2007
203. Are you Obsessed enough with Harry Potter?Harry PotterYes-No7/11/2007
204. Adults in ''Harry Potter'' character selectorUNKYes-No6/30/2007
205. What character are you.UNKYes-No6/30/2007
206. The Sorting Hat Awaits ...UNKYes-No6/28/2007
207. On Which Ship Should You Sail?UNKYes-No6/27/2007
208. Who Are You In Harry Potter Land?who are you in harry potter land?Yes-No6/26/2007
209. Which Marauder are you?UNKYes-No6/25/2007
210. Harry Potter Hubby SeclectorUNKYes-No6/25/2007
211. What Harry Potter Character are you?UNKYes-No6/13/2007
212. who do you loveUNKYes-No6/12/2007
213. What HarryPotter Charictor are you?UNKYes-No6/12/2007
214. What is your made up Harry Potter name?UNKYes-No6/12/2007
215. Which guy Harry Potter charactor are you destined to be with UNKYes-No6/10/2007
216. Which Harry POtter Character Are You?UNKYes-No6/2/2007
217. harry potter character quizUNKYes-No6/2/2007
218. Welcome to the Best Harry Potter Selector EVER!UNKYes-No5/31/2007
219. Harry Potter Character QuizUNKYes-No5/29/2007
220. A (Hopefully Original) House SelectorUNKYes-No5/27/2007
221. Harry Potter Character SortingUNKYes-No5/26/2007
222. What Animagus Are You?UNKYes-No5/13/2007
223. Who's Your Perfect Harry Potter Guy?UNKYes-No5/13/2007
224. HARRY; RON; HERMIONE AND MORE TAKE YOUR PICK!!!personality testUNKYes-No5/8/2007
225. harry potter house quizUNKYes-No5/6/2007
226. harry potter caracterUNKYes-No5/5/2007
227. If You Went to Hogwarts, Who Would Be Your Crush?UNKYes-No4/27/2007
228. what Daniel Radcliffe are u QuizUNKYes-No4/22/2007
229. Which Harry Potter character are you?harry potter, characterYes-No4/14/2007
230. Polyjuice Potion Sorting HatUNKYes-No4/12/2007
231. What Harry Potter Character Are You????UNKYes-No4/10/2007
232. Yet Another Sorting HatHarry Potter Ravenclaw Gryffindor Slytherin Hufflepuff Sorting HatYes-No4/9/2007
233. Polyjuice Potion Sorting!UNKYes-No4/7/2007
234. Which is your Hogwarts house?UNKYes-No4/4/2007
235. Sorting HatUNKYes-No4/3/2007
236. Which Hogwart's student (from Harry Potter) would you be? Harry Potter CharacterYes-No3/23/2007
237. Find your perfect HP Man!UNKYes-No3/22/2007
238. What Harry Potter character would you be?AbRaCaDaBrAYes-No3/21/2007
239. What Career Would Best Suit YOU at Hogwarts?UNKYes-No3/10/2007
240. ~Which Marauder Are You~UNKYes-No3/1/2007
241. What magical creature are you?magical creatureYes-No2/17/2007
242. The Chosen OneUNKYes-No2/14/2007
243. House SelectorUNKYes-No2/14/2007
244. The Sorting HatNina RayMulti-Choice2/11/2007
245. Which Harry Potter guy is right for you?UNKYes-No1/31/2007
246. Which Marauder Generation Harry Potter Character Are You?UNKYes-No1/30/2007
247. What kind of half-human are you?UNKYes-No1/27/2007
248. What school would you do best at?UNKYes-No1/27/2007
249. Do you have what it takes to face a Basilisk?UNKYes-No1/27/2007
250. The only INSIGHTFUL Harry Potter Character SelectorUNKYes-No1/24/2007
251. Harry Potter House SelectorUNKYes-No1/23/2007
252. Which Harry Potter character are you most compatable with?UNKYes-No1/23/2007
253. Where do you find yourself in the Royal Court?UNKYes-No1/10/2007
254. Harry Potter ShamansUNKYes-No1/6/2007
255. Sorting HatUNKYes-No1/1/2007
256. Very Detailed Quiz - Which Harry Potter Character Are You?UNKYes-No12/31/2006
257. Which Harry Potter animagi are you?UNKYes-No12/22/2006
258. Which Harry Potter Man Is For You?UNKYes-No12/21/2006
259. What is your bloodline? (muggle born, half pure, muggle)UNKYes-No12/18/2006
260. What Room in Hogwart's are you Most Like?UNKYes-No11/30/2006
261. What Profession Will You Be Most Sucessful In?UNKYes-No11/30/2006
262. What Hogwart's Professor are you most like?UNKYes-No11/30/2006
263. HP PersonalitiesUNKYes-No11/29/2006
264. Order Of The PheonixRP Sorting HatSorting HatYes-No11/28/2006
265. Which Hogwarts qudditch player are you?UNKYes-No11/28/2006
266. Harry Potter Sorting HatUNKYes-No11/28/2006
267. Which Quidditch Position will you play?UNKYes-No11/23/2006
268. Which Harry Potter School For You?UNKYes-No11/23/2006
269. Which Wand for YouUNKYes-No11/23/2006
270. A Really Intellectual Sorting Hat Quiz!UNKYes-No11/19/2006
271. The OOTP Harry Potter quizHarry Potter, OOTPYes-No11/19/2006
272. Your Hogwarts Life (Girls)Kuja445Multi-Choice11/10/2006
273. Harry Potter MarauderEliza BennettMulti-Choice10/26/2006
274. which Weasley are you?CumberlanderMulti-Choice8/30/2006
275. Harry Potter People - who are you?RhiaMulti-Choice8/1/2006
276. Harry PottereyesappleMulti-Choice7/1/2006
277. The Three Broomsticks Inn Sorting QuizThe Three BroomsticksMulti-Choice4/5/2006
278. The Best Harry Potter Character Selector (you know it!)sarah40557Multi-Choice4/1/2006
279. Sorting HatFunnyfatso12Multi-Choice2/23/2006
280. Which Hogwarts quidditch player are YOU most like?J. C. JonesMulti-Choice1/13/2006
281. What harry potter house are you inWhyshouditellyou189Multi-Choice12/29/2005
282. Harry Potter Sorting HatUltraboltMulti-Choice12/12/2005
283. what Harry Potter character are you?RylieMulti-Choice12/10/2005
284. Comprehensive Sorting HatPhantasmKissMulti-Choice12/9/2005
285. Which HP Male are you compatible with?PhantasmKissMulti-Choice11/27/2005
286. Hogwarts...No Better Place! School SelectorHogwarts...No Better Place!Multi-Choice10/19/2005
287. Which Hogwarts House Welcomes You?scorpionheart4Multi-Choice10/15/2005
288. What Suewarts House do YOU belong in?Das MervinMulti-Choice9/16/2005
289. Which Wizarding Position Suits You Best?PhantasmKissMulti-Choice9/12/2005
290. Hogwarts HouseJacquiMulti-Choice9/10/2005
291. Crazy Good Sorting Hat QuizHarry Potter GeekMulti-Choice8/18/2005
292. The Hogwarts Sorting Hat lolohiMulti-Choice8/13/2005
293. House SelectorKendra ShadowsMulti-Choice8/3/2005
294. What Harry Potter Character Do You Look Like?micepopsMulti-Choice8/2/2005
295. Harry Potter caracterizareaThe Magci School-Cu cine seman?Multi-Choice6/26/2005
296. Sorting Quizsilver_foxMulti-Choice6/16/2005
297. Which Harry Potter Animal are You?TraceyMulti-Choice6/15/2005
298. Ponaganset Hogwartsairah4Multi-Choice5/25/2005
299. The Sorting BroomMajesticaMulti-Choice5/23/2005
300. Quidditich, and what your position is.Luna & Lisa (pronounced Leeza)Multi-Choice4/23/2005
301. Hogwarts SelectorCeline DesireMulti-Choice4/20/2005
302. Sortareoffice DurmstrangMulti-Choice3/26/2005
303. Harry Potter FemalesK�tehokMulti-Choice11/27/2004
304. The Class That You Would Teach at Hogwartsd williamsMulti-Choice11/25/2004
305. Which Animagus Form Would You Have?DeathEater24Multi-Choice11/22/2004
306. The Sorting HatKelMulti-Choice10/6/2004
307. Harry Potter HouseTraceMulti-Choice7/26/2004
308. Which character from my Harry Potter fic are you?KittyMulti-Choice7/25/2004
309. Which ''Ship'' are you?PottterFanMulti-Choice7/15/2004
310. What Position Would You Accel At in Quidditch?SherryMulti-Choice5/30/2004
311. Where Do You Stand In Hary Potter Land?LilianMulti-Choice5/29/2004
312. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry Sorting HatRavenclaw prefectMulti-Choice5/29/2004
313. Hogwarts House SorterRiver DundasMulti-Choice3/20/2004
314. A Look Inside Your Mind!LeoraMulti-Choice1/22/2004

*Dev display only, for sort check.