Newest Disney Titles
Title Author Type Created *
1. Which Disney Villain would be your Partner in Dancing with the Stars?gtnish7Yes-No6/13/2021
2. Which Elsa Wants To Build A Snowman With You? ☃️ gtnish7Yes-No12/29/2020
3. Which Disney Villain Is Giving Serious Thought... To Eating Your Wife / Hubby?gtnish7Yes-No11/1/2020
4. Who Would Want To Date You Kim Possible❤️ Or Shego💚?gtnish7Yes-No8/15/2020
5. Which Disney Prince Would Pull A Sword On You And Say, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!gtnish7Yes-No7/17/2020
6. Which Disney Princess HATES You?gtnish7Yes-No7/4/2020
7. Which Disney prince should you date?ItzybitzyspiderYes-No4/21/2020
8. Which Character Are You From The Lion King II: Simba's Pride 1998gtnish7Yes-No2/16/2020
9. Which Lion King 1994 Character Are You?gtnish7Yes-No2/5/2020
10. Which Disney Princess should you date?ItzybitzyspiderYes-No1/10/2020
11. What Disney character are you CrackerJackMulti-Choice12/18/2017
12. What Disney Princess Do You look Like?AmethystYes-No12/2/2017
13. What Disney film are you?TheMusicdewd22Yes-No9/29/2017
14. What Cars Character Are You?AgWorkShopYes-No7/15/2017
15. Which Non/Disney Lady Should You Date?JKaaMulti-Choice6/24/2016
16. What Disney Heroine are you? Abigailsaa32Yes-No1/17/2016
17. What Once Upon A Time Character Are You?Abigailsaa32Yes-No11/8/2015
18. What Disney girl are you?Abigailsaa32Multi-Choice11/7/2015
19. What Disney Girl Are You?? Abigailsaa32Multi-Choice11/4/2015
20. What Disney Girl are you?Abigailsaa32Yes-No11/3/2015
21. "May I _________?"kaceeeFlowchart10/18/2015
22. What Disney Girl do you look like most? ForeverDisneyKidMulti-Choice10/24/2014
23. Peter Panmodern_peterFlowchart10/15/2014
24. Which Disney Princess do you look like most?rainbowshy829Multi-Choice9/17/2014
25. Which Disney Princess do you look like most?rainbowshy829Multi-Choice8/23/2014
26. Which Disney Princess do you look like most?rainbowshy829Multi-Choice7/30/2014
27. What Disney Face character are you?GalindaYes-No7/30/2014
28. Which Disney Girl Do You Look Like?SallysorensenYes-No7/25/2014
29. What Disney Channel show do you belong in?aehsjYes-No3/3/2014
30. Which Disney Princess suits you?FrankSammyDeanMulti-Choice12/19/2013
31. Which Phineas and Ferb Character are You? (Revised)kefhuedmfy7dhYes-No12/7/2013
32. Which Disney girl you look most like?StarWiewMulti-Choice8/2/2013
33. Wreck it Ralph Character SelectorYes-No12/25/2012
34. Nalaholic quizYes-No10/12/2012
35. pirates of the Caribbean quizcaptain coolMulti-Choice8/21/2012
36. Disney Channel Personality QuizYes-No8/5/2012
37. What's your favorite show on Disney Channel?Yes-No6/24/2012
38. Which Disney Character are you???Yes-No11/3/2011
39. Disney Heroine QuizYes-No8/3/2010
40. Top Pet QuizYes-No7/20/2010
41. Are You a Fan of Kiara and/or Kovu?Yes-No6/19/2010
42. what totally spies character are youUNKYes-No5/16/2010
43. Which Hannah Montana Couple are you and your sweetie ?Yes-No5/28/2009
44. phoebe heroUNKYes-No4/26/2009
45. Disneys Hercules Tv Show SelectorYes-No9/28/2008
46. Which Disney Hero Are You?Yes-No9/24/2008
47. Which character from Mulan are you?Yes-No9/17/2008
48. Which Phineas and Ferb Character Are You Most Like?Yes-No9/15/2008
49. Lion King Love Compatibility Test (For ones who are attracted to males)UNKYes-No9/11/2008
50. Which Disney Princess Are You?UNKYes-No9/8/2008
51. Which Hannah Montana Character Are You?UNKYes-No9/8/2008
52. Which Phineas and Ferb Character are You?UNKYes-No9/7/2008
53. Which Disney Channel Dude Are You?UNKYes-No9/7/2008
54. Which Disney Channel Girl Are You?UNKYes-No9/7/2008
55. Which Classic Disney Movie Should You Watch?UNKYes-No9/7/2008
56. Which Disney Gal Are You?UNKYes-No9/7/2008
57. Which Walt Disney World Face Character Are you?UNKYes-No9/7/2008
58. Ichabod and Mr. Toad Character SelectorUNKYes-No9/6/2008
59. What disney couple are you and your bf/gf?UNKYes-No8/14/2008
60. Disney Character QuizUNKYes-No8/13/2008
61. Which Disney Girl Are You?UNKYes-No8/4/2008
62. So Many Disney Couples... Which are you and your Partner?Disney CouplesYes-No7/25/2008
63. Whats Your Disney Personality? (villain, hero, princess, etc.)UNKYes-No7/16/2008
64. Which cars character are you?UNKYes-No7/15/2008
65. Lion King-How are youUNKYes-No7/14/2008
66. An Awesome Disney Character QuizUNKYes-No7/6/2008
67. Which Suite Life Character are you?UNKYes-No7/2/2008
68. High School MusicalUNKYes-No6/18/2008
69. What Newsie are you?UNKYes-No6/7/2008
70. What Disney couple are youUNKYes-No5/9/2008
71. mary poppins song selectorUNKYes-No4/9/2008
72. Which Kingdom Hearts character r u?UNKYes-No4/6/2008
73. What Robin Hood character are you?UNKYes-No3/18/2008
74. Lion king personality quizUNKYes-No3/13/2008
75. The Nalaholic TestUNKYes-No3/12/2008
76. Which Disney Damsel so you LOOK the most like???UNKYes-No3/10/2008
77. Which Female character from ''hercules:the TV series'' are you???UNKYes-No3/7/2008
78. Disney's Aladdin Character SelectorUNKYes-No3/4/2008
79. Which Classic/Feminine Heroine are you??UNKYes-No3/3/2008
80. Lion King charicters: who are you?UNKYes-No3/3/2008
81. Which Kick-Butt Animated Heroine are YOU??UNKYes-No3/3/2008
82. Which animated heroine are you?UNKYes-No3/2/2008
83. Disney's Incredibles SelectorUNKYes-No2/26/2008
84. *::NEW IMPROVED*:: Which Disney character are you?UNKYes-No2/18/2008
85. what homosexual do you most represent?UNKYes-No2/8/2008
86. Which The Nightmare Before Christmas Song Are You?UNKYes-No1/21/2008
87. Which Disney Character Are You Most Like.UNKYes-No1/21/2008
88. Which Disney character are you?UNKYes-No1/19/2008
89. Who do you love?UNKYes-No1/10/2008
90. Who are YOU in the Haunted side of Disney?Disney Haunted Mansion Pirates Curse Movies Rides Tower of TerrorYes-No1/10/2008
91. Disney PrincessUNKYes-No12/28/2007
92. Disney Princess Character QuizUNKYes-No12/15/2007
93. Which Disney caracter are you most like?UNKYes-No12/11/2007
94. Which Disney couple are you and your crush/boyfriend??UNKYes-No12/5/2007
95. Which Disney girl do you look most like?disney look-a-likesYes-No11/12/2007
96. Which non-Disney animated heroine are you?UNKYes-No11/9/2007
97. Which Disney sidekick are you?UNKYes-No11/1/2007
98. Aladdin SelectorAladdinYes-No10/28/2007
99. Peter PanUNKYes-No10/23/2007
100. Which Disney couple are you and your bf?UNKYes-No10/16/2007
101. Which Disney slut (or frigid bitch) are you?UNKYes-No10/14/2007
102. Which Disney hunni do you look like????UNKYes-No10/13/2007
103. which disney diva are you most like???UNKYes-No10/4/2007
104. Are you a Total Disney Freak?UNKYes-No9/22/2007
105. Lilo 'n' StitchUNKYes-No9/19/2007
106. What Disney Song are you?UNKYes-No9/6/2007
107. Aladdin Character QuizUNKYes-No8/26/2007
108. Which Shrek 2 Character are you?UNKYes-No8/22/2007
109. disney movie selectorUNKYes-No8/1/2007
110. Peter Pan CharactersUNKYes-No7/31/2007
111. Peter Pan CharactersUNKYes-No7/31/2007
112. Which Disney Heroine are YOU most Related To?UNKYes-No7/24/2007
113. What character are you?UNKYes-No7/12/2007
114. which character of findin nemo are you?UNKYes-No7/10/2007
115. What That's So Raven character are youUNKYes-No7/3/2007
117. WHAT PRINCESS ARE YOU?disney princess 10Yes-No6/29/2007
118. Which Mighty Ducks character are you?Disneys Mighty DucksYes-No6/28/2007
119. Dave the Barbarian Personality QuizUNKYes-No6/14/2007
120. What Disney character of all time are you?What Disney character of all time are you? By Bethy plopsYes-No4/28/2007
121. Cartoon minxes What Disney minx are you? By Bethy plopsYes-No4/26/2007
122. Animology QuizUNKYes-No4/17/2007
123. Do Spittle Yak Have Moxie?UNKYes-No3/30/2007
124. What type of elf are you?UNKYes-No3/5/2007
125. Which Disney Prince are you most compatable with?UNKYes-No1/23/2007
126. Which Kim Possible boy are you?Kim PossibleYes-No1/21/2007
127. The Lion King - Character Personality QuizUNKYes-No1/3/2007
128. What Toy Story, Toy Story 2 or Toy Story 3 Character Are You?UNKYes-No12/3/2006
129. JoeUNKYes-No11/5/2006
130. What Disney Person Are You?UNKYes-No10/24/2006
131. Which Finding Nemo Character are You?UNKYes-No10/24/2006
132. Lizzie McGuire CharactersUNKYes-No10/23/2006
133. Cheetah GirlsUNKYes-No10/11/2006
134. Duck Tales quizUNKYes-No10/2/2006
135. Princess Selector DeluxUNKYes-No9/15/2006
136. Which Disney Character are you?UNKYes-No8/24/2006
137. Which Disney Dog are you?UNKYes-No8/21/2006
138. which disney Princess Are You?GastonsGirlMulti-Choice7/27/2006
139. Which Disney character are you?UNKYes-No7/13/2006
140. KimPossible SelectorUNKYes-No7/6/2006
141. Which ''The Fox and the Hound'' character are you?UNKYes-No6/22/2006
142. Which Disney Princess Are You?UNKYes-No6/16/2006
143. Walt Disney World ResortsJuliebeanMulti-Choice5/27/2006
144. Which Lizzy McGuire character are youUNKYes-No5/25/2006
145. Finding Nemo Character SelectorDisney Selectors Finding Nemo Pixar Fish SeaYes-No5/8/2006
146. Which D-Tent boy are you? UNKYes-No4/30/2006
147. disney charcter selectorUNKYes-No4/28/2006
148. which gargoyle character are u?UNKYes-No4/23/2006
149. Winnie the Pooh Character SelectorJBMulti-Choice4/15/2006
150. What Proud are you alike?UNKYes-No4/12/2006
151. Kingdom HeartsUNKYes-No3/30/2006
152. Which Juvenile Delinquet from Holes are you?UNKYes-No2/18/2006
153. Disney's Beauty and the Beast quizUNKYes-No2/17/2006
154. Disney's The Lion King quizUNKYes-No2/17/2006
155. The Great Mouse Detective quizUNKYes-No2/16/2006
156. Disney's Sleeping Beauty quizUNKYes-No2/16/2006
157. Disney's The Little Mermaid quizUNKYes-No2/16/2006
158. Disney's Aladdin quizUNKYes-No2/14/2006
159. Disney's Hercules quizUNKYes-No2/13/2006
160. Disney princess SelectorUNKYes-No2/13/2006
161. Disney's Pocahontas Character SelectorGrayAngel57Multi-Choice2/11/2006
162. hamtaro and bijouUNKYes-No2/10/2006
163. What Aladdin character are you?UNKYes-No2/6/2006
164. Lion King II selectorLion KingYes-No2/5/2006
165. Which Disney Park Are You?UNKYes-No1/16/2006
166. Disney Gang QuizUNKYes-No1/16/2006
167. Where in Walt Disney World should You Work?Disney WorkYes-No12/10/2005
168. WDW Attraction SelectorUNKYes-No11/23/2005
169. Which Even Stevens Character are you?PersonMulti-Choice11/17/2005
170. What Disney Princess are you?UNKYes-No11/15/2005
171. Disney FavoritesJaneMulti-Choice11/15/2005
172. Deeder SelectorUNKYes-No11/2/2005
173. WHAT ARE YOU???UNKYes-No11/1/2005
174. Brother Bear Totem SelectorBROTHER BEAR TOTEM SELECTORMulti-Choice9/30/2005
175. Which Winnie The Pooh Character are you?Winnie the poohYes-No9/24/2005
176. Lion King GeneratorUNKYes-No9/23/2005
177. Who is your Disney Hero?UNKYes-No9/17/2005
178. Disney Character QuizUNKYes-No9/3/2005
179. what Disney character are you?UNKYes-No9/3/2005
180. What Kingdom Hearts Characterare you?UNKYes-No8/31/2005
181. Which of the Disney Princesses are You?UNKYes-No8/23/2005
182. What Disney Princess are you?DisneyloverMulti-Choice8/21/2005
183. What Disney Girl are youUNKYes-No7/21/2005
184. The Suite Life of Zack and CodyCandycountergirlMulti-Choice5/26/2005
185. Aladdin SelectorsunwukongMulti-Choice5/24/2005
186. Which Peter Pan Character Are You?UNKYes-No5/16/2005
187. Atlantis: the lost empire selectorUNKYes-No5/14/2005
188. What Treasure Planet Character are you like?UNKYes-No5/3/2005
189. wha lizzie mcguire chracter are you???UNKYes-No4/28/2005
190. Which Disney Character Are You?UNKYes-No4/10/2005
191. Which Classic ''Fab-Five'' Disney Character are you?UNKYes-No4/10/2005
192. Great Mouse Detective Character SelectorUNKYes-No3/18/2005
193. what dbz person would you beUNKYes-No3/7/2005
194. What Disney Princess are you?UNKYes-No2/5/2005
195. Which Disney Movie Is Most lIke You??UNKYes-No1/12/2005
196. Peter Pan CharacterPeter, PanYes-No1/11/2005
197. Which Disney Villain Are You?UNKYes-No12/26/2004
198. A Disney PrincessUNKYes-No12/18/2004
199. Which Disney Feline Are You?UNKYes-No12/8/2004
200. Which Disney Hero Are You?UNKYes-No12/8/2004
201. Which Disney Heroine Are You?UNKYes-No12/5/2004
202. Disney PrincessesTara Johanna Lucreita Torquoisia TuMulti-Choice11/26/2004
203. Disneyland Park Area SelectorUNKYes-No11/21/2004
204. Disney hero dating gameUNKYes-No11/20/2004
205. The Daring Disney Princess SelectorThe Daring Disney Princess ClubMulti-Choice11/16/2004
206. What Disney's Robin Hood Character are you?UNKYes-No10/10/2004
207. Disney Heroines SelectorUNKYes-No5/20/2004
208. Which Disney Princess are you?disney, princess,ariel, belle,cinderella,sleeping beautyYes-No3/23/2004
209. What Disney female are you?Rikku Multi-Choice3/2/2004
210. Which Disney star are you?Kuji_the_KatMulti-Choice3/1/2004
211. Kingdom HeartsEvil-RikuMulti-Choice1/11/2004
212. Disney's Beauty and the Beast Character SelectorUNKYes-No1/11/2004
213. Which Disney Princess Are You??UNKYes-No1/8/2004
214. What Disney Princess Are You?UNKYes-No12/19/2003
215. The Lion King/Simba's Pride Personality TestUNKYes-No9/5/2003
216. Disney Villain SelectorUNKYes-No7/26/2003
217. Which Disney Hero are you?Disney heros charactersYes-No7/11/2003
218. Bambi Character!UNKYes-No10/30/2002
219. Disney Princess selectorUNKYes-No9/19/2002
220. Which Disney Movie Character are You?UNKYes-No9/6/2002
221. Disney Babes QuizUNKYes-No7/29/2002
222. Which happy haunt are you?Haunted Mansion Disney DisneylandYes-No7/25/2002
223. Which Newsie Are You?UNKYes-No6/30/2002
224. Which Bambi Character Are You?UNKYes-No5/27/2002
225. The Emperor's New Groove Character Quiz!Kuzco, Emperor's New Groove, DisneyYes-No4/1/2002
226. The Lion King Character SelectorUNKYes-No3/25/2002
227. Which Lion King Character Are You?Excellent Lion King results graphics. Superior selector.Yes-No3/7/2002
228. Which Cartoon ''Robin Hood'' Character Are You?Robin HoodYes-No2/18/2002
229. Which Disney Character Are YouDisney CharacterYes-No1/24/2002
230. Which Pepper Ann character are You?pepper ann pepperann nicky milo disney cartoon comic saturday toonYes-No10/16/2001
231. Which Disney Princess are you?UNKYes-No10/5/2001
232. Which one of the Seven Dwarfs are you? UNKYes-No7/2/2001
233. Disney Animation SelectorUNKYes-No3/5/2001
234. The Great Mouse Detective Character TestUNKYes-No3/5/2001
235. Chip'n Dale Rescue Rangers Character SelectorUNKYes-No2/13/2001
236. What Disney Character Are You LikeUNKYes-No2/5/2001
237. The Disney Character SelectorUNKYes-No10/20/2000
238. Disney Area ParksUNKYes-No9/11/2000
239. The Walt Disney World/Disneyland Theme Park SelectorBy Daniel GunterYes-No1/18/2000

*Dev display only, for sort check.