Newest Crime Titles
Title Author Type Created *
1. que personaje de Yumeno en Wicked magical sos?yumeno.Yes-No7/29/2021
2. Which Fictional Bully Would Call on You?gtnish7Yes-No7/11/2021
3. Which of my WORST enemies would you DESPISE the MOST!gtnish7Yes-No5/17/2020
4. What's your motive?Jdog8701Yes-No7/26/2015
5. How would you kill somone? part 1: out of angerJessewYes-No3/26/2015
6. Criminal Trial ProcessbeckerFlowchart12/4/2014
7. Creepypasta timelinevaatiFlowchart5/28/2014
8. EvidencejaneleFlowchart5/2/2014
9. 911irishFlowchart4/18/2014
10. crimebryceYes-No1/16/2014
11. DrugskaveenaFlowchart11/10/2013
12. Pitcher's Police DepartmentmourningleafFlowchart9/9/2013
13. Crimes and PunishmentlyokofreezeFlowchart9/3/2013
14. good to knowblumapinsonFlowchart8/7/2013
15. Crime Type Selectoriloveducks13Multi-Choice4/6/2010
16. Public Enemies: Prohibition Era American GangstersYes-No7/14/2009
17. Are you as evil as i am???Yes-No10/17/2008
18. How much do you hate IT?Yes-No9/19/2008
19. killer or notUNKYes-No7/27/2008
20. are you an crimal or not UNKYes-No5/8/2008
21. What crime selectorUNKYes-No4/7/2008
22. What Kinda Crook Are You?UNKYes-No3/26/2008
23. Are you worthy to live?UNKYes-No12/20/2007
24. Are you ( or someone you know *wink wink*) a sTaLKeR?UNKYes-No12/18/2007
25. Which serial Killer would you be?UNKYes-No10/20/2007
26. Street Weapon of Choice SelectorUNKYes-No9/18/2007
27. What crime will you be most likely to succeed atUNKYes-No9/12/2007
28. You're DeadUNKYes-No9/3/2007
29. Survive ThisUNKYes-No7/22/2007
30. what dictator are you?UNKYes-No7/11/2007
31. Murder 101UNKYes-No3/16/2007
32. Crime Stoppers vs Crime SeekersShalee Multi-Choice3/14/2007
33. Which famous terrorist are you?UNKYes-No1/20/2007
34. Your Life of CrimeUNKYes-No12/14/2006
35. Which member of the Kelly gang are you?UNKYes-No12/12/2006
36. could you be a serial killermurder hate killers bundy hateYes-No10/5/2006
37. Scarface Movie SelectorAmericanBeersteinMulti-Choice1/19/2006
38. which weapon would you use in combat?scott jessaMulti-Choice11/25/2005
39. what would u be in prison for?UNKYes-No3/19/2005
40. Which 50th ward girl is for you?Etienne PalmerMulti-Choice12/3/2004
41. Which crime organization do you belong to?UNKYes-No3/7/2004
42. Gangster MoviesUNKYes-No1/29/2004
43. Which American Outlaws Character are you?UNKYes-No10/30/2003
44. Your ideal crimeUNKYes-No11/24/2002
45. What Kind of Criminal Are You?UNKYes-No6/2/2002
46. Which serial killer are you most like?Blogger Steve Huff says this selector yields "the scariest online quiz result, ever!"Yes-No4/17/2001
47. What job would you get?UNKYes-No1/23/2001
48. Do you like to smoke weed??UNKYes-No3/1/2000

*Dev display only, for sort check.