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Member-made Celebrities Selectors:

  1. Which Celebrity Is Your Soul Mate Most Similar To? (Revised)
  2. If a Movie was Inspired by your Life... Who Would Play YOU?
  3. Which Sylvester Stallone Are You?
  4. Which celebrity do i act more like?
  5. What's your hidden celebrity style?
  6. Which Female Celebrity are You Most Like?
  7. Movie Star Selector
  8. Who do you resemble the most in F(x)?
  9. How FAKE are You??
  10. Which Pop Star Do You Hate?
  11. Which celebrity are you?
  12. Fit guy selector
  13. Which Celebrity Woman Should You Date?
  14. Who is your celebrity match?
  15. Which Evanescence Band Member Are You??
  16. Which Johnny Depp character are you most like???
  17. who is your male celebrity soul mate?
  18. Supermodel Selector
  19. Famous for being famous
  20. Celebrity who would you rather with women

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