This quiz tests Slightly *cough* OOC Bishounen selector Trowa Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Slightly *cough* OOC Bishounen selector by dadachan.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Selector? This is useless, there are better things to do.
True False

I often feel the overwhelming need to protect those around me.
True False

I tend to obsess over one particular person/family/thing. Did I say obsession? It's not obsession, more like well deserved attention. Really.
True False

I'm angsty beneath this cheerful exterior... so, wanna discuss it over a cup of tea? ^_^
True False

For some reason other people/bishounen keep obsessing over my voice.
True False

I want to be evil. No, no strike that... I AM evil! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! XD
True False

People often say I'm sweet, cute, or otherwise the baby of the group (although it doesn't mean I really am XD). Awhn...
True False

I have my own definite sense of style... for better or for worse. Leather, cashmere and a feather boa? Bring it on! XD
True False

Fangirls tend to think I'm someone I'm not/ offspring of other fictional characters/ seiyuu deep within their warped little minds.
True False

To say I have a short attention span would be an-- ooo, shiny... *wanders off*
True False

Overreaction... is there such a thing? Waiiiiiiiiiiiii! *runs around screaming*
True False

My gun/sword is not just a weapon, but my best friend; and, as such, must be polished and carressed on a daily basis.
True False

You snickered at the last question, didn't you? Hentai! XD
True False

Laziness really isn't a state of being so much as a way of life.
True False

Hello my name is -insert name here- and I'm a sidekick.
True False

I hate fish and/or cables.
True False

I like to poke/get poked/ am often the receiver of much poke-dom (not to be confused with pokemon).
True False

Really, you should stop laughing, you dirtly little thing you! ~_^
True False

I often cosplay... of my own free will or not.
True False

Sometimes I think people enjoy tormenting me a bit -too- much.
True False

People often say I'm... er, -close- to my family.
True False

Porn isn't so much smut as it's own perfect art form... and one I actively support and participate in.
True False

People tell me I talk too much a lot although I don't really know what they're talking about. I mean, I think I have many valid points and I need to share my opinions with the world to make it a better place, just call me self sacrificing if you will. Yep, that's me, self-sacrificing and helping others to get there lives in order and keep them from becoming delinquents or prostitutes... although prostitute dress is common lately. HO HO HO! My next big seller! XD
True False

...... *glare*........
True False

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