This quiz tests The Night Below Dorak - This dwarf has unmatched strength, both of flesh and of odor. Dungeons & Dragons Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Dungeons & Dragons IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The Night Below by Lucy the Destroyer.
Test your knowledge of:
Dorak - This dwarf has unmatched strength, both of flesh and of odor.

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Would you describe yourself as human?
True False

Do you enjoy alcohol frequently?
True False

Do you have magical powers?
True False

Do you feel at home in the forest?
True False

Are you a very straightforward individual?
True False

Have you gotten any recently?
True False

With more than one entity?
True False

Do you enjoy violence?
True False

Do you like men?
True False

Do you like women?
True False

Do you like livestock?
True False

Are you obscenely powerful?
True False

Have you ever been set on fire by a close colleague?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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