This quiz tests The Origins of Man and the Universe Non-theistic Anti-evolutionist Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector The Origins of Man and the Universe by Paul.
Test your knowledge of:
Non-theistic Anti-evolutionist

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

The universe had no beginning, but had infinite recursions.
True False

The universe is the dream of Vishnu.
True False

The universe had a beginning but no cause.
True False

Life began as the sole result of natural processes.
True False

All of us are the essence of our creator.
True False

Every living thing is spiritually connected.
True False

God started the Big Bang, but is not active in the universe today.
True False

Evolution is a mechanism formed by a god, but left to its own devices.
True False

God used evolution to form you and me.
True False

Evolution as a tool used by God is compatable with biblical christianity.
True False

The universe is a dynamic reality that began as God's vision, and is guided by his will.
True False

The big Bang is evidence that God started the Universe 15 billion years ago and has evolved as an active will of the Creator.
True False

The 7-day period mentioned in the bible may not have been 7 literal days but epochs of god's active creation.
True False

Evolution is not compatable with God but a 15 billion year old universe is.
True False

The universe is about 10 thousand years old.
True False

God created the universe in 7 literal days. Micro- but not Macro-evolution is an accurate theory.
True False

Microevolution happens, but Macroevolution does not. Still the universe does not require a god.
True False

There are better theories besides Evolution that require no creative force.
True False

Evolution as an origin of species is a valid theory.
True False

Life came from non-life.
True False

The second law of thermodynamics disproves evolution.
True False

Evolution is highly improbable.
True False

The beauty in life proves a creator of that life.
True False

Life is nothing more than replicating molecules.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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