This quiz tests Political/Economic Ideology Selector Radical Social Democrat (Tony Benn, Ralph Nader) Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Political/Economic Ideology Selector by JamesCB.
Test your knowledge of:
Radical Social Democrat (Tony Benn, Ralph Nader)

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Prosperous 1st World nations (USA, W Europe, Japan) should excercise decisive authority in international affairs.
True False

Western democracy, however imperfect, is the best political system going.
True False

The government should ensure that all citizens have decent health care, even if it costs a significant sum of money.
True False

All utilities and major industries should either be nationalized or made into workers' coops.
True False

The US should maintain economic sanctions on Iraq.
True False

Public morality and/or social justice is far more important than formal democracy.
True False

Expensive public health care programs would be an unacceptable drain on our nation's taxpayers.
True False

Private property is not evil in and of itself.
True False

The US should cut the Defense budget down from "world policeman" levels to a lower level adequate to reasonably defend our borders..
True False

People living in countries with multiparty parliamentary systems should only seek change through legal channels.
True False

The government should ensure access to a college education for all gifted but needy students.
True False

Private profits always come at the expense of workers and should thus be abolished.
True False

Certain races and/or castes are inherently superior to others.
True False

Political democracy in and of itself, without good social and economic policies, is worthless.
True False

Federal and state governments should give large sums of special funding to poor school districts to ensure equity in education.
True False

At least in principle, the very existence of the profit motive need not nescessarily preclude social justice.
True False

The US should withdraw from NATO, close all foreign bases and bring home all troops stationed abroad.
True False

Freedom of political speech and press should be inviolable.
True False

Funding for education should be local, not federal.
True False

Until the entire private profit system is completely abolished, Labor-Management relations is nescessarily a zero-sum, win-lose situation.
True False

The US should immediately and unconditionally decolonize Puerto Rico.
True False

Freedom of the press must at times take a back seat to other considerations, even if there is no outright libel or incitation to violence involved.
True False

The US government isn't Santa Claus: we can't afford to keep pouring money into welfare state programs like foodstamps etc.
True False

It's possible in principle for Labor-Management relations to be a non-zero-sum win-win situation even without the complete abolition of the entire private profit system.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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