This quiz tests What Kemono Friends penguin are you most like? Gentoo Penguin Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What Kemono Friends penguin are you most like? by lemoguin.
Test your knowledge of:
Gentoo Penguin

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You tend to be energetic.
True False

You prefer to be more downbeat and less talkative.
True False

Emotions get the best of you. (Anger, fear, sadness, etc.)
True False

You're comfortable being a leader.
True False

You are insecure.
True False

You don't care about what others think of you.
True False

Unintentionally, you might say things that are upsetting to others.
True False

You do not care what you say and speak your mind. (Not in an ill-mannered way, but in a way you're stating an opinion/thought.)
True False

You tend to regret constantly messing up and feel sorry about it.
True False

You feel as if you are undercover or unknown.
True False

You are optimistic, no matter what happens.
True False

Others describe you as wise and knowing.
True False

People look up to you.
True False

You have a short temper and get annoyed easily.
True False

You have stage fright/ fear of public speaking
True False

Being lonely for extended periods of time is difficult.
True False

You are seen as soft n' small n' cute! People just wanna gobble you up and protect you >//v//<
True False

You are seen as someone who can peck the hell out of others (meaning you can be verbally and/or physically aggressive)! (When provoked, of course)
True False

You tend to curse and use strong language.
True False

Your height is on the shorter end.
True False

On the other hand, you're taller than the average.
True False

You are easily overwhelmed.
True False

You have angry tendencies (shouting, yelling when upset)
True False

Your speaking voice is usually softer and more quiet.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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