This quiz tests Which Hogwarts House Do You TRULY Belong in? Hufflepuff🦡 Harry Potter Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Harry Potter IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Hogwarts House Do You TRULY Belong in? by gtnish7.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you on the WISE side, and wits about you are in plenty?
True False

Do you have a strong sense of JUSTICE, and have at least some degree of loyalty for everyone... No matter who they are?
True False

Are you among the BRAVE and the BOLD?
True False

Do you use secrecy and cunning to achieve your goals?
True False

CHIVARY is where it's at?
True False

Would people deem you a patient individual?
True False

Do you surround yourself with many aquaintainces (Agree) or very few TRUE friends (Disagree)?
True False

How do you feel about Harry Potter... like (Agree) or dislike (Disagree)?
True False

How do you feel about Lord Voldemort... like (Agree) or dislike (Disagree)?
True False

Do you feel like you're the "Chosen One",if there was such a thing?
True False

Are racially mixed in a biological sense?
True False

Do you have an issue with rivalries, whether it being as a group or personal?
True False

Are you a modest, kind person (Agree) or are you a haughty, boastful person (Disagree)?
True False

Can you handle being around ghosts in a positive way and/or even a negative way?
True False

Do you have BAD temperment?
True False

If there was such a thing as the FORCE, would you end up becoming a Jedi (Agree) or turn Sith (Disagree)?
True False

Do you follow a stable code of honor, which includes fairplay?
True False

Is creativity a strong point for you?
True False

Would you participate in the Frog Choir, if given the chance?
True False

Are you an open vault?
True False

Are you a tad weak in your practices?
True False

Are you considered CRAZY by most?
True False

Blood purity is completely where it's at?
True False

Do you lose support from others, when you are constantly doing too well and/or terribly?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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