This quiz tests What Disney Heroine are you? Jessie (Toy Story 1,2,&3)- You are Jessie the yodeling cowgirl. You are a friendly, excitable cowgirl and you love being loved by others. You are a little claustrophobic and hate staying in the same place for a long period of time unless you have other people with you. You can come off a bit crazy and weird but are truly loveable. Disney Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Disney IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What Disney Heroine are you? by Abigailsaa32. Test your knowledge of: Jessie (Toy Story 1,2,&3)- You are Jessie the yodeling cowgirl. You are a friendly, excitable cowgirl and you love being loved by others. You are a little claustrophobic and hate staying in the same place for a long period of time unless you have other people with you. You can come off a bit crazy and weird but are truly loveable.
Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.