This quiz tests What kind of anarchist are you? Anarcho-Pacifist (Mohandes Ghandi) Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What kind of anarchist are you? by Thatstatue.
Test your knowledge of:
Anarcho-Pacifist (Mohandes Ghandi)

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Traditional functions of the state such as building roads and providing security should be done by the community/collective and NOT by individuals.
True False

A free market would provide better healthcare, education and social security than collective or co-operative efforts.
True False

The freedom of the individual is more important than social solidarity and mutual aid.
True False

Socialist or collectivist anarchism would likely lead to a 'tyranny of the majority'.
True False

The means of production should be owned and controlled by workers' unions and syndicates, as opposed to individuals or the community as a whole.
True False

Having the means of production run by the workers running them does not guarantee freedom for the whole community; therefore it would be better for them to be owned by the collective or by no one at all.
True False

'From each according to ability, to each acording to need' is a better system of distribution than 'to each according to work done'.
True False

People should be awarded based on the amount of work they do.
True False

A society that uses force to make people conform to the collective's beliefs is not anarchy.
True False

Pacifism is the ideal.
True False

Violence is only justified when used against people who have violated another's rights.
True False

Civilization is more of an obstacle to anarchism than the state.
True False

Patriachy is a bigger problem than state oppression.
True False

Our principle concern today should be to overcome our desire to conquer and dominate nature.
True False

The environment is important but human beings should always take priority.
True False

Anarchists should at the very least have a green conscience and a respect for the environment.
True False

Ideally, there would be very little or no technology in an anarchist society.
True False

The struggle of indigenous peoples should be a concern for anarchists.
True False

Groups like students, blacks, women and the unemployed are as great a source of revolutionary potential as the workers.
True False

Anarchism is a way of life, not a political movement.
True False

Religion is incompatable with anarchism.
True False

Spiritual enlightenment is inseperable from political liberation.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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