This quiz tests WHICH CINCINNATI SINAI CHARACTER IS MOST LIKE YOU Erin Medical Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Medical IQ Quiz is based upon the selector WHICH CINCINNATI SINAI CHARACTER IS MOST LIKE YOU by lunglord.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I am ambitious.
True False

You can't fight city hall
True False

Fast flashy cars are a total waste of money
True False

If someone laughed at my clothes when I was out, I would be so embarrassed I would think three times before wearing it again.
True False

I could fall in love with someone much younger than myself, or someone completely different from how I see life.
True False

I pay off my credit card every month.
True False

Religion is a pointless waste of time. I don't get it.
True False

If I commit to something, whatever risk might come, I will do it, no matter what
True False

I frequently challenge the status quo at work.
True False

Murder is sometimes justified.
True False

I make decisions rationally and deliberately, not with my gut or following my heart.
True False

Taking drugs is a human right, a basic freedom to control our body as we wish
True False

I feel that other people are often to blame for my problems.
True False

I don't feel like I fit in at work.
True False

It's normal to pretend to be nicer than you are. It is part of getting along.
True False

I brood about things. I might even overanalyze
True False

I try to keep it out of sight, but people would be surprised how big an ego I have
True False

In the end, compassion and understanding win the day.
True False

I admit mistakes, openly, without excuses.
True False

If they were downsizing at work, to keep my house, job and car I would make it easier for them to fire my best friend rather than me, if I had to. I might not like myself, but I would.
True False

I don't do more than I have to at work. No one else does.
True False

I am not afraid to die. No. Really. If it is time, it's time.
True False

If you are caught doing something wrong you premeditated, the full penalty applies. No mercy.
True False

Love always seeks to try again, no matter the odds or the scope of the struggle. That is what love is.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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