This quiz tests Political Ideologies and Philosophy Left-wing Neoliberal Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Political Ideologies and Philosophy by ZacAlek.
Test your knowledge of:
Left-wing Neoliberal

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Major industries and utilities should be owned by the government OR by workers' co-operatives, not by private individuals.
True False

Education is a fundamental right (or necessary privilege) and should be provided to all by society.
True False

Health care is a need that society must provide to all its members.
True False

It is necessary that the government (or collective) ensure that all who need work, have it.
True False

Business should be regulated, for the welfare of the environment.
True False

There is one correct moral standard and society should preach this over individual choice.
True False

Religion and State are inseparable
True False

Immigration should be limited by border control and a planned population policy.
True False

Censorship is justifiable to fight decadence and retain cultural order.
True False

Security is a right that precedes civil liberties
True False

Crime is mostly the fault of society.
True False

Democracy (i.e., majority rule) is an inefficient, tyrannical, and hedonistic form of government.
True False

Strong central governments and a single leader are preferable to decentralised power structures.
True False

People are naturally equal, only society makes them unequal.
True False

People may be unequal in ability, but it is immoral for them to be unequal economically.
True False

People should be equal before the law and free to pursue their own inequality in civil society.
True False

Inequality is natural and must be preserved and controlled.
True False

A strong and active military is necessary and moral for any nation.
True False

Spirituality is more important than scientific understanding.
True False

Material self-interest ("enlightened" or not) is inherently evil. Actions are only moral if they are good in themselves.
True False

Constitutional republics (and their rule of law) are inherently injust and instruments of class domination.
True False

Labour and capital should work together to plan the economy.
True False

Regardless of material outcome, the Soviet economic structure was more moral than America's.
True False

Nationalism is cool.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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