This quiz tests Are you a Satanist? You are a Satanist Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are you a Satanist? by Inpius.
Test your knowledge of:
You are a Satanist

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you believe in God?
True False

Any other supernatural beings or deities? (like spirits, demons, the devil, other gods etc)
True False

Are you ego?
True False

Do you live by "Do to others as you would have them do to you"?
True False

Do you treat people fair? (you're nice to those who are nice to you, and bad to those who are bad to you)
True False

Is homosexuality wrong?
True False

Are you against the deadly sins of Christianity and think they are stupid?
True False

Do you worship Satan?
True False

Is Satan your lord?
True False

Have you sold your soul to the Devil?
True False

Do you sacrifice animals or anything else?
True False

Do you want to go to Hell when you die? (if you do not believe in an afterlife, choose NO)
True False

Do you think lust is a sin?
True False

Do you think it's the best to live by the human nature, instead of fearing it?
True False

Do you find theism (belief in deities like God or such) lunatic?
True False

Do you know the difference between Satanism and Devil worship?
True False

Stupidity is a sin
True False

Pride is a sin
True False

Egoism is good
True False

Do you worship yourself as a God?
True False

Do you think all people deserves love and care, even if they are ungrateful and didn't to anything to get it?
True False

Would you refuse to do something for someone because it would be harmful or in any other way negative for you?
True False

Do you pray? (Yes) I want God/Satan/other deity to help me with my life and give me benefits (No) I do it myself even if it's hard
True False

Would you be a martyr? (sacrifice yourself for others)
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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