This quiz tests Should you break up test This relationship may be just going through a rough patch but that doesn't mean just give up, take a step back and look at the relationship because you may find that there are other stresses in your life that are in fact affecting your relationship! Love Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Love IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Should you break up test by _---_Jessica_---_.
Test your knowledge of:
This relationship may be just going through a rough patch but that doesn't mean just give up, take a step back and look at the relationship because you may find that there are other stresses in your life that are in fact affecting your relationship!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you still have the " spark" or the same feelings for your partner as when you first got together?
True False

Do the little annoying things that your partner does that never bothered you before really irritate you now?
True False

Is the thought of kissing your partner or "being intimate" with them still appeal to you as much as it ever did?
True False

Has your partner ever cheated on you?
True False

Have you ever cheated on your partner?
True False

Do you and your partner fight a lot or more then you used to?
True False

Is your partner respectful of your thoughts and feelings?
True False

If you ask your partner not to do something do they do it anyway?
True False

Does your partner lie to you?
True False

Do you lie to your partner?
True False

Does being with your partner make you happy no matter what you are doing?
True False

Does your partner give you gifts or surprises?
True False

Is staying together with your partner not a preferred and deeply wanted lifestyle choice but a routine?
True False

If you fight do you both always try and make up before going to bed?
True False

Do you still find your partner attractive?
True False

Do you think your partner still finds you attractive?
True False

Do you both seem to spend more time apart then together?
True False

Do you feel comfortable enough to tell your partner anything without being judged?
True False

When your partner goes out do they always ask if you want to come?
True False

Does you partner show affection in public?
True False

Do you find that when you both go out together that your partner leaves you on your own a lot?
True False

Does your partner ever ignore your phone calls or text messages just because they don't want to deal with you?
True False

Does your partner ever flirt with people in front of you?
True False

When and if your partner gets drunk or has a few alcoholic drinks do they get angry or nasty to you?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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