This quiz tests Which virtue or vice are you? Courage or fortitude - a cardinal virtue Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which virtue or vice are you? by Aristotle and Plato.
Test your knowledge of:
Courage or fortitude - a cardinal virtue

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Is this a conscious and deliberate action?
True False

Is this a powerful, compelling emotion or feeling?
True False

Are you a male?
True False

Are you a female?
True False

You are in one of two long lines of merging traffic. Do you gesture to the driver in the other lane to go ahead of you?
True False

During sexual intercourse, have you ever forgotten your partner's name? Set the priority setting below to "high" if you still can't think of their name.
True False

Do you agree that it is better to be thinking of yourself less than thinking less of yourself?
True False

Do you have an enthusiasm for your job?
True False

Is the late Amy Winehouse your role model?
True False

Do you exercise sound judgment in practical affairs?
True False

Have you ever called into work sick, but you really weren't sick
True False

You see something attractive in a store window. Do you have good impulse control and the ability to delay gratification?
True False

Do you have an aversion to inequity--even when you would be the beneficiary of the inequity?
True False

Think of someone or something that you just hate or loath. Do you have that picture in your mind?
True False

Do have an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more material wealth than you need?
True False

Do you support the death penalty in large part because you feel the victim's family deserves revenge?
True False

Is this an insatiable desire?
True False

Do you resent a person that has something you want, and wish that person was deprived of it?
True False

Do you identify with the beautiful queen in "Snow White" who asks her mirror "who is the fairest one of all?"?
True False

Are you kind to others regardless of their race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, etc.
True False

Are you or did you "save" yourself for marriage?
True False

Do you insist on doing the right thing even in the face of certain defeat without promise of reward or salvation?
True False

Is this practice what Mark Twain said "is believing what you know ain't so"?
True False

Do you have a desire for something and expectation of receiving it?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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