This quiz tests Spiritual Gifts Prophet/Truth-teller Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Spiritual Gifts by churchwatchman.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I am generally quick to make impressions of people.
True False

I am quick to see and work towards meeting the physical needs of others.
True False

When I hear things said in a sermon, lesson or similar, I am quick to want to validate whether what was said or taught is 100% accurate.
True False

When I see a problem arise in others, I am quick to try and see the good in it and help them view it more as an opportunity for betterment.
True False

When I hear someone is struggling financially, I am compelled to help them out financially and prefer it to be anonymous.
True False

If there is a big project at church, I am usually one who begins to consider who would be best for what job.
True False

When someone is hurting, most often I just want to be there with them and for them and to be a shoulder for them to cry on.
True False

If someone is sick or has been injured, my initial response most likely would be "What is God trying to say to you through this illness? Is there some sin you haven‘t confessed yet?"
True False

If someone is sick or has been injured, my initial response most likely would be "Here's a little gift! Now, I brought your mail in, fed your dog, watered your plants, and washed your dishes."
True False

If someone is sick or has been injured, my initial response most likely would be "I did some research on your illness and I believe I can explain what's happening."
True False

If someone is sick or has been injured, my initial response most likely would be "How can we use what you're learning here to help you and others in the future?"
True False

If someone is sick or has been injured, my initial response most likely would be "Do you have insurance to cover this kind of illness? Is there anything you need?"
True False

If someone is sick or has been injured, my initial response most likely would be "Don’t worry about a thing. I've assigned your job to four others in the office."
True False

If someone is sick or has been injured, my initial response most likely would be "I can't begin to tell you how I felt when I learned you were so sick. How do you feel now?"
True False

If I were at a group luncheon with co-workers and one of them dropped their tray of food, my initial response to them would most likely be "That's what happens when you’re not careful."(Motivation: to correct the problem)
True False

If I were at a group luncheon with co-workers and one of them dropped their tray of food, my initial response to them would most likely be "Oh, let me help you clean it up."(Motivation: to fulfill a need)
True False

If I were at a group luncheon with co-workers and one of them dropped their tray of food, my initial response to them would most likely be "The reason that it fell is that it was too heavy on one side."(Motivation: to discover why it happened)
True False

If I were at a group luncheon with co-workers and one of them dropped their tray of food, my initial response to them would most likely be "Let me help you get the other desserts so you don’t have to carry so much."(Motivation: to correct the future)
True False

If I were at a group luncheon with co-workers and one of them dropped their tray of food, my initial response to them would most likely be "I'll be happy to buy you a new dessert."(Motivation: to give to a tangible need)
True False

If I were at a group luncheon with co-workers and one of them dropped their tray of food, my initial response to them would most likely be "Jim, would you please get the mop. Sue, please help me pick this up; and Mary, please help get another dessert."(Motivation: to achieve the immediate goal of the group)
True False

If I were at a group luncheon with co-workers and one of them dropped their tray of food, my initial response to them would most likely be "Don’t feel badly. It could have happened to anyone."(Motivation: to relieve embarrassment)
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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