This quiz tests Which person of royalty are you from the Lord of the Rings? Balin, Lord of Moria Lord of the Rings Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Lord of the Rings IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which person of royalty are you from the Lord of the Rings? by Lórienian.
Test your knowledge of:
Balin, Lord of Moria

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Was your father a ruler before you?
True False

Are you more of the kind of person that will do as much as you can to either keep or acquire the throne (yes), or do you do what you know is best for your people, whether you are a ruler or not (no)?
True False

Are you a Man (human)?
True False

Are you an Elf?
True False

Are you a Dwarf?
True False

Do you wear a ring?
True False

Do you really, really want something really, really bad?
True False

Do your subjects love you?
True False

Do you love your subjects?
True False

Are you perhaps overprotective of your kingdom when it comes to going to war? (i.e. would you rather stay at home in your palace/castle and wait out the war or go to war yourself?)
True False

Are you an avid believer of the phrase, "Strike them before they strike you"?
True False

Are you evil? (Come on, be truthful.)
True False

Are you overly aggressive and violent?
True False

Do you have your reasons? (refer to previous question)
True False

Are you actually not a king or queen, but you act like one?
True False

Have you yet to prove yourself worthy of the throne?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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