This quiz tests Are You Obsessed With The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien? 2. Average Tolkien-Fan: You are almost a Tolkienian. If you follow the things on this quiz, you soon might drive a few people crazy, but that's just the first signs if improvement! Keep going! Lord of the Rings Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Lord of the Rings IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are You Obsessed With The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien? by Half-Elven and Lórienian.
Test your knowledge of:
2. Average Tolkien-Fan: You are almost a Tolkienian. If you follow the things on this quiz, you soon might drive a few people crazy, but that's just the first signs if improvement! Keep going!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you instantly friends with every other Tolkienian you meet?
True False

Do you read The Trilogy once a year?
True False

Do you have lots of Tolkienian friends?
True False

Do you put photos, posters, and quotes from the Lord of the Rings everywhere?
True False

Are you learning (or have already learned) Elvish?
True False

When you dream at night, are you a hobbit or elf?
True False

On sites that require a username, is yours always Tolkien related?
True False

Do you hum themes from the movies constantly?
True False

Did you read the books first?
True False

Do you want to (or did you) name your kids (if you have kids) after people in the Lord of the Rings?
True False

Do you listen to the soundtrack all the time?
True False

Do you deny that you are obsessed with Tolkien when confronted by family and friends?
True False

Is your computer memory totally filled up with music, pictures, and quotes from the Lord of the Rings?
True False

If you saw someone on the street or on a bus or subway that had a hat on that said, "I'm a Tolkienian", would you say anything to them (yes)? Or would you just laugh quietly to yourself, "We're everywhere!" (no)
True False

I once memorized the poem "I Sit and Think" by JRR Tolkien for a school program. My classmates—and even one of their older sisters and dad—teased me about it forever. "I Sit and Think About JRRTolkien" they called it. I just laughed. Has anythink like that ever happened to you?
True False

There is a theory out there that Middle-Earth might have existed before creation, that the Fall of Barad-dúr was lined up with the Christian account of Creation. Even if you aren't a Christian, could you belive that? I certainly want to!
True False

Do people occasionally tease and annoy you about being 'obsessed?'
True False

Have you pledged to only watch the movies once a year, so that they stay special?(I have!)
True False

Do you ever look back in the first time you even heard of the Lord of the Rings and laugh, or even cringe?I laugh. When I was 7, my mom went with my uncle go see the movie, and I was like, "But Mommy, I thought that was a bad movie." She said, "It's just a grown up movie. You can see it when your older, maybe." I probably didn't want to.
True False

Did this test make you want to do more (yes) or to tell me more things to add (no)?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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