This quiz tests Public Enemies: Prohibition Era American Gangsters Charles Floyd (Pretty Boy) Crime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Crime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Public Enemies: Prohibition Era American Gangsters by Baby Face Nelson.
Test your knowledge of:
Charles Floyd (Pretty Boy)

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you have strong organizational and/or leadership skills?
True False

Are you especially good at math?
True False

Are you a competent business person?
True False

Are you known for a talent such as the ability to sing, dance, write poetry or coin phrases?
True False

Are you considered intelligent?
True False

Do you have a legitimate trade you can fall back upon if your life of crime doesn't work out?
True False

Do you enjoy travel--especially driving at high speeds from small town to small town?
True False

Are you without prejudice to the extent that you cooperate with others regardless of ethnicity or religion?
True False

Is physical force and violence your preferred methods of achieving your goals?
True False

Or would you prefer to use brain power to commit your crimes.
True False

Would you like to live and work in the Big Apple (New York)?
True False

The Windy City (Chicago)?
True False

Or someplace else in America?
True False

Are you an immigrant to America?
True False

Were you born into a respectable, financially well-off family?
True False

Would you prefer to work in the beverage industry (aka bootlegging)?
True False

Would you prefer to work in the insurance industry (aka strong-arm 'protection')?
True False

Would you prefer to be involved in sports (such as fixing the outcome of games, boxing)?
True False

Would you prefer to provide a service (such as Murder Inc. or plain old hired killer)
True False

Would you prefer to work in the finance (robbing banks and stores)?
True False

Would you prefer to work with union workers (aka labor racketeering)?
True False

Does kidnapping appeal to you as lucrative way to make money?
True False

Would you prefer to work in the entertainment and amusement industry (show business, gambling, the numbers rackets)?
True False

Or would you prefer to be matchmaker helping couples looking for love to get together (aka prostitution)
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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