This quiz tests Political Ideology Pro-Government Conservative Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Political Ideology by Jim Jones.
Test your knowledge of:
Pro-Government Conservative

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I support gay marriage.
True False

Stem Cell Research isn't a moral issue because it creates research for curing diseases.
True False

I believe if we teach evolution in schools, creationism should be taught as well.
True False

Universal Health Care is needed even with tax increases.
True False

Foreign Affairs should be a priority for the government
True False

War is bad, however necessary for our safety.
True False

Abortion isn't morally correct.
True False

I believe abortion is a womens choice.
True False

Outsourcing helps businesses, and is fair to Americans.
True False

Immigration is a problem.
True False

Drilling in the A.N.W.R (arctic nat'l wildlife refuge) is unacceptable.
True False

We should fight Terrorism through military force.
True False

We should only fight Terrorism through diplomacy because war causes more terrorism.
True False

The war in Iraq was an unjustifiable preemptive military force.
True False

I believe the war in Iraq against terrorism is justified by attacks on our soil.
True False

Is torture justifiable?
True False

I believe people who work hard are successful.
True False

Poorer citizens have it easy because of all the support given to them.
True False

The government doesn't care about me.
True False

We have done too much to help the environment.
True False

I believe we should help people even if we go further into debt.
True False

Raising Minimum Wage is necessary.
True False

I believe in larger government.
True False

I believe the government is getting to involved in my personal affairs.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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