This quiz tests Which Arab Country Are You? Palestine Politics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Politics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which Arab Country Are You? by alle.
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Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Population-wise, I'm among the bigger Arab states.
True False

My nation, or territory, or something like that, existed before colonialism.
True False

I've had my share of internal unrest and civil wars.
True False

I've generally been at peace with my neighbours.
True False

The West thinks I'm a "moderate" country, whatever that means.
True False

An impressive part of our economy revolves around narcotics.
True False

Colonialism ended quite peacefully, hamdulillah.
True False

I'm prone to military coups.
True False

Independence is, uh, in the pipeline.
True False

I have made peace with Israel.
True False

I'm ethnically and/or religiously diverse.
True False

Slavery is a nice tradition that we've decided to keep.
True False

In fact, a lot of people here don't consider themselves Arab at all.
True False

The head-of-state post may or may not be hereditary, but we call ourselves a republic.
True False

I have been involved in a lot of serious territorial disputes.
True False

I export oil, and precious little else.
True False

For the sake of Arab Unity, I've been trying a lot of federations and union schemes.
True False

I'm proud of my Bedouin culture.
True False

We have a real refugee problem here.
True False

I have a little bit of a separatist problem.
True False

I'm an island, or at least a tiny peninsula attached to a bigger peninsula.
True False

Not that I wanna brag, but I've been bombed by the U. S. at least once.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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