This quiz tests How would you fight? Knight Military Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Military IQ Quiz is based upon the selector How would you fight? by Sweet Lady Jayne.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you a controlled person- can you contain your anger easily and effectively?
True False

Or do you just tear things apart when they go wrong?
True False

Do you believe in the mystical things no-one else will?
True False

Are you very thorough at what you do?
True False

Are you a perfectionist in all senses of the word?
True False

Do you like the smell of gunpowder?
True False

Are you agile, nimble, or light on your feet?
True False

Are you strong and have a sturdy frame?
True False

Do you either hate walking, love riding horses or like going fast?
True False

Would you rather throw stones across a road at your arch nemesis than throw a punch?
True False

Would you wear heavy armour- even if it slowed you down?
True False

Are morals important to you (good versus bad- would you do the right thing)?
True False

Do you believe in more than one deity?
True False

If you were told to something on pain of painful death that you would normally strongly oppose doing, would you do it?
True False

If no- would you do it if you were paid?
True False

Are you a kleptomaniac (or just like stealing stuff and getting away with it)?
True False

Do you have a series of rules to live by either written in your head or on a piece of paper?
True False

Do you like explosions and other gunpowder related flashy things(?), like fireworks?
True False

Have you attacked anyone- pysically or mentally- while in such a rage, time seemed to slow?
True False

Would you use a weapon rather than your hands?
True False

Would you use anything that wasn't too messy?
True False

Would you use something that WAS messy?
True False

Would you rather shout insults and the like from a distance without actually doing much damage?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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